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Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
28 December 2012, 21:06,
Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
Well I finally convinced my wife a few weeks ago to let me buy "a few extra bits. Just incase". This was a victory in itself after she had witnessed some of the fools on DDP.

Tonight I scored another point to prepping.

After all of us had been washed & ready, set for bed (yes I know we have a rock & roll lifestyle - the joys of starting work at 4-30am daily), I made us a cuppa & there was very little milk left. "I'll just grab a carton of milk I have stored. UHT or condensed?" I asked her (she chose UHT incase anyone wondered Smile ). Crisis averted, cuppa's made & my wife agreed it was a good job I had some stored. Even if it does taste different.

Hopefully she is slowly coming around to the idea.
28 December 2012, 22:14,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
I struggle to think of any scenario where you are worse off by prepping. Can she?
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
28 December 2012, 22:23,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
It's not that she thinks we would be worse off. It's more she thinks there is no point. Until tonight, the point was a cuppa Smile
28 December 2012, 22:46,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
Get her stotting drunk and hide the paracetamol the next day. When she is crying for one, get two out of your store. And some lucozade.
29 December 2012, 00:13,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
Turn the power off at the fuse box and claim a power cut,...all weekend, I am sure your supplies would make life much more endurable for you both,.... well, my wife wouldnt think to check the fuse box,.. but there again she is a prepper..Smile
A major part of survival is invisibility.
29 December 2012, 10:43,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
that is the trouble, Most people cant see the point....until its too late!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
29 December 2012, 11:16, (This post was last modified: 29 December 2012, 11:17 by Geordie_Rob.)
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
(29 December 2012, 10:43)bigpaul Wrote: that is the trouble, Most people cant see the point....until its too late!!

I think I'm slowly starting to talk her round.

That hurricane in New York helped a lot. I showed her the news articles of the shelves stripped bare in stores & of people scavenging in bins for food. This convinced her to let me buy a few extra bits to store.

Then our bit of cold weather meant I could get our calor gas heater & camping gaz heaters out to keep the mains gas usage down (we are on prepaid meters).

Then the carton of milk has helped a bit more. She has agreed to let me build a small storage area in the loft, obviously it's going to be larger than she agreed Smile

(29 December 2012, 00:13)Highlander Wrote: Turn the power off at the fuse box and claim a power cut,...all weekend, I am sure your supplies would make life much more endurable for you both,.... well, my wife wouldnt think to check the fuse box,.. but there again she is a prepper..Smile

Sadly it's the 1st thing she would check. But I like your way of thinking.
29 December 2012, 12:01,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
in the winter of 2010 we were snowed in for nearly 4 weeks, couldnt get in or out of here even to the local shops, but having a food store meant it didnt matter!!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
29 December 2012, 22:08,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
She'll come around. And at worst what will it hurt to have a few extra rations and meds laying around the house? Do people really only buy a toilet roll at a time? That would just be silly. So why not do the same with other provisions?
The recent floods here in the southwest have hopefully opened some eyes to the need to at least have some kind of plan in case you get cut off.
Why do we buy car insurance? are we destined to have an accident? No, it's a preparation (and a legal requirement, granted) in case we do. That comparison usually gets the guys at work thinking when they snigger at why I prep for the unexpected.
29 December 2012, 22:14,
RE: Another small victory for my argument with the wife of advantages of prepping.
i know people who dont keep any food in just a pkt of bis no milk bread noting buy every day or eat out
we always keep a lot of food in live in sticks you never know

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