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A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
2 February 2013, 15:28, (This post was last modified: 2 February 2013, 15:30 by NorthernRaider.)
A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
Just read in todays paper that two waring factions of scutty street gangs have been up to, One group ran through a hospital in broad daylight running into cubicals and wards looking for one of their opponants who they had already stabbed in the eye, obviously they were not satified with the damage they had done already and wanted to finish him off.

Second was another gang incident where the mob cornered their opposite numbers gang member in a revolving door where they proced to carry out a prolonged attack on his without fear of being touched or punished by the state, The revolving door was the main entrance to a crown court !!

The mainly ethnic gangs in our cities are now so brazen they no linger just terrorise the tower blocks at night, now they are confident enough that they will not be punished in any meaningful way to allow them to rampage through a hospital and a crown court in broad daylight without fear.

The usual suspects from our diverse and multi cultural socialist paradise are the main characters.

SO ask yourselves this, just how long before they decide they can run into your childrens school to kill one of their opponant gangs junior members, how long before they just run into Tesco and take goods, credit cards and money off people including your wife?

Hey they already regularily run riot on trains and buses !!!

So when are you urbanites going to focus your attention on real world happening issues that DO affect your families ?

Please dont bother answering this is just a comment from me as I see things.

2 February 2013, 16:19,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
Just to vent my frustration regarding where we should move to ( when and if we sell our house ) i will make sure wifey READS THIS
2 February 2013, 21:52,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
Alot of these gangs dont care what they do, if your 16/17 and stab some one to death the most you get is 8years,probably less. So your getting gangs of kids trying to earn a reputation, whilst the others who have done a few years in the nick think there imortal as they have done time for a serious offence.
3 February 2013, 01:18,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
The incidents the OP refers to are just more reasons why I would introduce a concealed carry permit (CCP) system in the UK.
3 February 2013, 05:27,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
Concealed weapons permit would be giving us rights, aint going to happen
3 February 2013, 11:53,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
(3 February 2013, 01:18)Lancsprepper Wrote: The incidents the OP refers to are just more reasons why I would introduce a concealed carry permit (CCP) system in the UK.

I would not, the right to preserving your own life should not require any licence or CCP permit, I would never register myself with the state over my ownership of a gun if it was legal, I prefer simply not to have a gun than put my self on the states radar.

Our gun control laws were done illegally originally when a home sec decided of his own bat that Self Defence was no longer just cause for people to own a gun, BUT they did not stick with that cross the board ruling because they allowed government ministers to carry guns exactly for that reason.

3 February 2013, 12:14,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
strap across there backs would stop this ,but it must be same for all not just the poor ,there was a case of a US teen boy who run across the top of some cars in some contry he got the strap across his feet ,so must be for all !!
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
3 February 2013, 12:22,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
Across the feet, bet that tickled
3 February 2013, 12:24,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
yeah he didnt do it again!!
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
3 February 2013, 19:37,
RE: A sign of the times as to how bad the cities have got
(2 February 2013, 15:28)NorthernRaider Wrote: SO ask yourselves this, just how long before they decide they can run into your childrens school to kill one of their opponant gangs junior members,?

NR,... This is a bit of a coincidence,....

I have just got back home today, after spending a night with friends in Fife, he is a school teacher in Dunfirmline.

Only last week, there was an incident where a former pupil was running riot in the school looking for a serving pupil with a knife, he was apprehended

At the end of the week, another person was stopped at the door with a knife looking for the same lad, he was also taken away by Police

I asked him about it last night, it seems it involved a girl and drugs,.... so its already happening
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