28 August 2011, 19:13,
Skean Dhude
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Introducing a new local currency after an event
In my posts on the main site I take about growing a society to such an extend that we can no longer fully function with a barter system. See Looking to the future - Financial, read the article and the comments to see my thoughts.
I can see us getting a currency and running with it but do not see how we can introduce one to a community without a lot of risk and fear.
Over to you. Can you see a way forward?
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
1 September 2011, 00:50,
grumpy old man
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
hi this is what i think would happen?
after an event people would have to help each other for free. i am not saying give you food away but help each other social commie's but i can't see a way to turn this into a business mode.
what would we use cash, water, food, gold, bullits, etc, etc.
and who would set the exchange rate?
would we have little barter towns with a tax to be paid to the town king
and what if you really needed a doctors service or something to save your family and you could not afford it, what would you do to get it.
and how could you trade with the level of security you would need to stop being robbed.
this is why i think for long term survival a social commie is the only way with no king's and everyone playing a role. no one living of other people just like how a home works jobs to be done and keep the clock working and no one person having complete control.
again i don't know how this would work either so i try and not think about the future to much.
headaches or bad for you. lol.
to win the war, you must be willing to die
1 September 2011, 08:51,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
(1 September 2011, 00:50)grumpy old man Wrote: this is why i think for long term survival a social commie is the only way with no king's and everyone playing a role. no one living of other people just like how a home works jobs to be done and keep the clock working and no one person having complete control.
They never work. So you are a doctor, your skills are called for on a daily basis in a community and you are highly prized but you do not get anything for that. Being free you are called on for everything and people take risks knowing that it will not cost them anything. That is what happens to the NHS now. On the other hand a hunter goes out and hunts but doesn't always come back with something yet he will sit down and eat because of someone elses labour tilling the soil.
Simple and poor examples but make the point.
What are you going to do.
Be the one tilling the soil, the 24 hour on call doctor or a hunter?
Socialism doesn't work because people quickly realise they can live off the hard work of others. Why do you think we have a class now that has never worked for generations. Why is it all falling apart? Because the people funding it are now becoming unemployed and it is unsustainable.
I don't know of a home where no one is in charge. It may be shared but everyone can't make their own decisions and rules have to be followed.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
2 September 2011, 21:03,
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
Socialism doesn't work because people quickly realise they can live off the hard work of others.
if the sociaty you will be living in after an event requires you to do somthing you will need to do it.
The only reason it is how it is now is because of our monetary system. how do you think it would be without money? if you have nothing to offer you get nothing. thats how it should be, that way everyone will be valuble to sociaty. after an event no one will get things from others for nothing. money is not the be all and end all of life, i personaly would like to see it gone, we live in an age now where it isnt required if you think about it.
3 September 2011, 09:01,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
(2 September 2011, 21:03)dofman Wrote: i personaly would like to see it gone, we live in an age now where it isnt required if you think about it.
Money is a tool. It is neither good nor bad. Like everything else it can be used for good or used for bad things.
The advantage ofmoney is that if you don't grow food or hunt you can make something else, like building a cart and you get what you want rather than what the buyer has for barter.
What can a carpenter barter for an egg?
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 September 2011, 14:25,
Kenneth Eames
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
Yes, money would be a necessity. Coins can be cast from aluminium cans as they are fairly easy to melt. The coins could be of different sizes and cast in moulds. You should be able to cast very good detail on the coins.
Kenneth Eames
3 September 2011, 15:52,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
How to get people to use them and how to stop them being counterfeited and deflated is the issue with aluminium though. We are trying to get away from fiat money.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 September 2011, 22:51,
grumpy old man
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
hi without money?
i guess that you would have to trade what ever you have. If you need a cart from a carpenter then you have to give him what he is asking for.
If the price is too high then you walk away, this works for everthing i dont want money in a new world.
Only people that can not do anything, lazy people need money. If you have sick people in your family then you should carry them.
If you trade things as a currency then the value will always be there and you can trade with any one, if you use something like money it will only work in your area.
unless your the king with an army and tax collectors and a royal mint to make your money.
to win the war, you must be willing to die
4 September 2011, 10:36,
(This post was last modified: 4 September 2011, 10:37 by Skean Dhude.)
Skean Dhude
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RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
That would mean the end of progress. Expensive items would be difficult to sell. I wouldn't be making a cart if I couldn't sell it. I won't be treating ill people if I don't get paid as if I don't get paid I don't eat. How much is treating someone for a cut hand worth? It takes 30 minutes or so to wash, clean and cover plus check ups. It is the same person so I only get what he sells which could be anything.
Although I can understand that you don't like money especially after what has happened over the last few years I just cannot see a way around it. So I'm looking for ideas for a new currency. What is it physically going to be and how do we introduce it. I said what I think in the article but I wanted other views.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
4 September 2011, 21:26,
RE: Introducing a new local currency after an event
To my understanding everybody will be working as hard as we have never worked before...
a doctor might not be doing much on a daily basis but is there if something serious
Happens(amputation,etc,etc)He does not have any patientes during the day?time to pass his knowledge to the future doctors.That's how he will earn his food,etc.
A carpenter...well,several tools are made with wood(the old trusted electricity free ones)and require maintenance too.
You have no skills?a pair of eyes it's all you need to look after the security of an area with food/kids,etc
We will have to integrate(the bigger community the better)
The old Soviets had the idea of rewarding those one that could produce more,it was not about
The quality,you make 10 more of wherever you produce then you get a bonus.
Mass production is the idea,the you can barter for anything you need,doctors,beds,named.
After that,I'm afraid you need someone in charge to issue new coins,notes...someone that can be trusted.
Or you could establish a value for things and trade them between communities,like the gold between countries.
A community has a extra stock of bread(wherever)that can be sold to another community for 20 "New Pounds" and then that community could buy the services of a Doc,carpenter,Guard,etc for X days in exchange.
Only the Leaders(the Accounts department)would handle that and be a benefit for all of us.
You don't need real money if we have all agree on the value of things.Trust is the word.