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Worth Fighting For?
14 February 2013, 00:51,
Worth Fighting For?
"Again with the philosophy S13!"

I know, I'm sorry. Just a little curious.

As of current, Americans are fighting for their right to bare arms. They are on the streets, campaigning, picketting, writting to congress, and stuff like that.

Here in the UK, we seem to have rolled over and given way to our increasing loss of freedoms. Just rolled over and pretended nothing was happening.

Are there things, like freedoms, democracy, and the alike, that people see as being worth fighting for? Or is the current loss of freedom the result of a lack of protesting?

A uni lecturer once said to me that the job of students is to proteat. I didn't get what he meant, but now it makes sense.

As preppers, would we protest against certain sanctions? If so, which ones?

I'm not asking anyond to riot or start a revolition. We're British and we don't do revolution. But it's a genuine question.

I'm not saying it's good to break the law, but I knew a guy that protested a lot. Was in riots. Threw petrol bombs, and stuff like that. Not saying it was me, just saying I know a guy that said he did.

Personally, I think we've lost so many freedoms that the only thing I'd be against would be tax increases. As BP says, I'm a tight a**e. As Barney says, I'm also a capitalist pig haha.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
14 February 2013, 08:56,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
I guess the answer is that some of us do what we can,.. its hard to find more than a few people to do anything,.. lets take the up and coming air rifle license that is about to happen in Scotland,..I own an air rifle so it in my interest to fight for it,.. but as I am on my own, all I can do is write to MPs and fill in the form being sent out by the BASA to be sent to the committee.... which I have done

As you say, we are British, for some reason we have grown up docile in the ways of protest,...possibly because in years gone by we had it fairly good as a country, and unlike places like America didn't have a lot to protest about, we got used to it, when changes started to come about, they were not sudden changes like the gun law in the US right now,.. they were a lot more suttle, so laws were excepted, it became habit to take what was dished out until we find ourselves in this `British-ness`... something not seen in many other parts of the world unless it is a suppressed country
A major part of survival is invisibility.
14 February 2013, 10:07,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
something to do with the British "stiff upper lip"? the British have been brought up to NOT complain, stand quietly in queues and to mind their manners, or at least that was the way i was brought up!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 February 2013, 10:44,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
Before people can own weapons like the Americans, all the police would need to be allowed to carry a firearm. A handgun holstered and probably a shotty in the car. I don't think the police are trusted by the citizens enough to be allowed to carry a weapon.

It should be noted that the new legislation to be able to attack an intruder to a larger extent is a big step further, where as before if they tripped over the doormat you could be sued. There was a petition with UKIP for the right to have more access to weapons (which i signed) on this site.
14 February 2013, 10:48,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
British people seem to be afflicted with a serious apathy towards personal freedoms. Quite often the same people you talk to about supporting freedom of the press will cry for strict regulation when something goes wrong.
It's as if people don't want to be truly free. They are happy to be caged birds. They are happy to take anything as long as their comfortable 9-5 live for the weekend routine is not disturbed. It can't happen here, and it never will.

Things like freedom are worth fighting for if you have lots of likeminded people on your side, with real, solid goals that you all agree on, not blanket terms that could mean anything.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
14 February 2013, 11:41,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
this is a good point S13 ,i think its divide and conquer mate ,split them and rule .but to be a good leader i think you should lead from the front. the lot who are in charge now are lying stealing feathering there own nest gits.but thats just my way of looking at it you capitalist pig Smile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
14 February 2013, 12:19,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
The brits are simply socialist sheeple brainwashed for generations that the state should do the thinking AND the protecting. Ondeed anything deemed nasty has to be banned or destroyed, FFS just look at the city dwelling dweebs bleating away cos a fox bit a kid, "Kill em all" is the hysteria driven screams by a major section of society I pray will die off because they are two thick to live.

""Kill the foxes in the cities cos they come into our houses !!"" Whilst the countryfolk simply keep their doors and windows closed to keep cats, dogs, foxes and rats out

They equally refuse to accept that gun / weapon bans dont work because only the law abidding people comply with the law.

I'm sorry but the British people have exactly the type of government it deserves and it is a direct reflection of the make up of society.

14 February 2013, 12:24,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
right wing left wing UKIP all the same mate all in it for them selfs
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
14 February 2013, 12:25, (This post was last modified: 14 February 2013, 12:27 by bigpaul.)
RE: Worth Fighting For?
the British population has been "dumbed down" every since the 60s!

when you see some of the comments in the papers and online, you think "are people really that stupid?" and i'm sorry to say the answer is-yes they are!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 February 2013, 12:28,
RE: Worth Fighting For?
(14 February 2013, 12:25)bigpaul Wrote: the British population has been "dumbed down" every since the 60s!

when you see some of the comments in the papers and online, you think "are people really that stupid?" and i'm sorry to say the answer is-yes they are!Big Grin

makes it easy to control pal
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!

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