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If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
19 February 2013, 11:09,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
(18 February 2013, 20:04)NorthernRaider Wrote: Oh god I'm getting a headache, I'm so pleased my dating days are over, hell I would no longer know which oriface I was supposed to be pleasuring and which one I should be talking to, or even if they have orifaces !!!! Smile

Thanks NR pmsl
19 February 2013, 14:05,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
It doesn't bother me what you are race, religion or sexuality. I don't know why it bothers everyone here so much. Just let people be themselves, It wont hurt you.
19 February 2013, 15:17, (This post was last modified: 19 February 2013, 15:18 by bigpaul.)
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
i dont care what they are as long as they stay out of my face!!Big Grin

if they dont, they'll get a size 11 boot up their backsides.Tongue
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
19 February 2013, 17:27,
RE: If not liking gays is homophobic then what is the name
What has this got to do with prepping? We are not a hate site.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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