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Military Training..
27 February 2013, 22:46,
Information  Military Training..
Evening fellas, basically I was in my 26th week of my royal marine training when I suffered a bad stress fracture which later led me to leave the navy(demoralising). It's been a few years and I'm fully fit again and I'm currently in the process of joining the Territorial Army(infantry).

Have you guys ever thought about having military training?, what I was taught in my marine training is definitely a major confidence boost when handling firearms or (if ever) being covert. It'll be nice to hear your P.O.V and fellas lets not make this into a political debate on oil in the middle east please.
Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.
Galileo Galilei
27 February 2013, 22:51, (This post was last modified: 27 February 2013, 22:51 by Highlander.)
RE: Military Training..
You will find that many of us here are ex-military, I was an Infantry soldier for over 12 years, certainly helped me send my life in the right direction

In fact, its my regimental motto that written below...Smile
A major part of survival is invisibility.
27 February 2013, 22:54,
RE: Military Training..
(27 February 2013, 22:51)Highlander Wrote: You will find that many of us here are ex-military, I was an Infantry soldier for over 12 years, certainly helped me send my life in the right direction

In fact, its my regimental motto that written below...Smile

What's your thoughts on the ''new professional'' territorial army?
Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.
Galileo Galilei
27 February 2013, 23:03,
RE: Military Training..
As a `territorial Army`, from what I know its a very good force, its well equipped, and professional,... but at the end of the day the Territorial Army is our back up,... if they put the same effort into the Regulars then both would be good `strong` forces, which at the moment the regulars are getting close to not being, they are simply becoming too small a force to deal with all they are asked to do, which means of course that the Territorials are being call upon more and more often

I think that when you get into the territorials, you may well have the better deal, shouldn't be that way, but you may as well enjoy it while its there
A major part of survival is invisibility.
27 February 2013, 23:28,
RE: Military Training..
Would love to join but got knocked back cause of tattoos
27 February 2013, 23:30,
RE: Military Training..
Army cadets changed me from a pathetic useless teenager into a independent, self reliant teenager, as well as developing manners, attention to detail and confidence. I fully intend to join the military when I have got a degree, either as an officer or regular in the Royal Engineers.

The higher end cadet exercises are very close to Army basic training. It's taught me field-craft and weapons handling, and I feel mentally stronger from the taste of hardship. The Royal engineers would give me skills in constructing FOB's and a trade, like carpentry, so it would all be useful as a Post SHTF skill set.
Woe to those who add house to house and join field to field, Until there is no more room, So that you have to live alone in the midst of the land!
Isaiah 5:8
27 February 2013, 23:35,
RE: Military Training..
I used to regret not getting military training when I was young (too old now at 41), but... if I were in my 20s now, would I do it? Well, no, purely because I wouldn't be willing to take - or fire - a bullet for any central banker or our German Queen. (See, no references to oil in the Middle East!)
27 February 2013, 23:42,
RE: Military Training..
I regret not joining the army when i was 16,would of had to clean my act up back then,But now i have gone half blind its not for me.
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
27 February 2013, 23:48,
RE: Military Training..
USAF here. I highly recommend military service to young people. Teaches much more than violence. Discipline, teamwork, sacrifice, the list goes on and on. Do it while your still single hopefully. Good luck
27 February 2013, 23:52,
RE: Military Training..
(27 February 2013, 23:28)Metroyeti Wrote: Would love to join but got knocked back cause of tattoos

Tattoos! I almost got knocked back because of neck tattoos but luckily collar will cover it.
Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.
Galileo Galilei

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