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robotic heavy load vehicle
7 March 2013, 10:54, (This post was last modified: 7 March 2013, 11:11 by Luci_ferson.)
robotic heavy load vehicle
ive recently come to the conclusion that when abandoning my home and moving to the bugout for any reason it will be difficult to carry all the things id like.
now i could just take less , but id rather not.
this lweaves me with 2 options.
work my son and daughter like hell untill they can carry a decent weight, and this still may not be enough for a long term semi-permanent bugout.
other option build something to carry all the excess weight leaving my arms free tocarry a good weapon.

ive decided to have a go at building a robotic vehicle to do all the heavy carrying.

the idea is to use a dissability scooter (have you seen the size of some of the people on these) with the seat removed and with a cart fitted onto it instead.
this would be controlled by my son or partner. leaving me totally free to defend and not weighed down at all.

i know it would involve making sure i have a battery charged at all times. but i also plan on building a roof for the cart with a solar panel on to recharge the battery when not in use.

my bug out is less than 3 miles away, and a single charge could easily make this distance fully loaded.

any oppinions and ideas would be greately appreciated.

when not being used as a cart it would be simoply a solar battery charger. charging a large battery.
providing me with limited power at the bugout.

once on site, it could be easily adapted and used for allsorts.

raised up , its rotational power could be harnessed to operate pumps , saws , etc.
the possibilities are endless.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 12:29,
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
sounds like an interesting project.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
7 March 2013, 12:31, (This post was last modified: 7 March 2013, 12:33 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
its my solution to the fact my son cant carry a shopping bag with 3 tins and a loaf of bread without moaning it hurts his arms.
my daughter is 9 and carries as much as him. although he does only way 6 stone lol

think im gonna call it " the donkey"
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 13:12,
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
i remember seeing the Lockheed Martin Mule armed vehicle on future weapons a few years ago
7 March 2013, 13:13,
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
arming it would be a bit more difficult, id rather stickk to carrying the weapon myself lol.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 13:17,
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
Whatever you do make sure you can gut it and remove the motors, batteries, controls, etc. so you can tow the thing yourself when the battery runs out.

imo. A lot of time will be spent for very little benefit.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
7 March 2013, 13:18,
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
most of them aren't armed they were used to deliver supplies and ammo to front line troops
7 March 2013, 13:21, (This post was last modified: 7 March 2013, 13:23 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
the plan was only to use it to move what i needed to get to the bugout. then just to use it as a solar charger for the battery so i can harness its power for other things.
never to actually use it as a vehicle again.
just a simple heavy load robot.
once its there it would be stripped down and used as a solar powered machine to be used for whatever or just for its battery power.

i can get the parts for less than £160
for how much it will save me from leaving behind or having to risk more trips its got to be worth it.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 13:54,
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
(7 March 2013, 10:54)Luci_ferson Wrote: ive recently come to the conclusion that when abandoning my home and moving to the bugout for any reason it will be difficult to carry all the things id like.
now i could just take less , but id rather not.
this lweaves me with 2 options.
work my son and daughter like hell untill they can carry a decent weight, and this still may not be enough for a long term semi-permanent bugout.
other option build something to carry all the excess weight leaving my arms free tocarry a good weapon.

ive decided to have a go at building a robotic vehicle to do all the heavy carrying.

the idea is to use a dissability scooter (have you seen the size of some of the people on these) with the seat removed and with a cart fitted onto it instead.
this would be controlled by my son or partner. leaving me totally free to defend and not weighed down at all.

i know it would involve making sure i have a battery charged at all times. but i also plan on building a roof for the cart with a solar panel on to recharge the battery when not in use.

my bug out is less than 3 miles away, and a single charge could easily make this distance fully loaded.

any oppinions and ideas would be greately appreciated.

when not being used as a cart it would be simoply a solar battery charger. charging a large battery.
providing me with limited power at the bugout.

once on site, it could be easily adapted and used for allsorts.

raised up , its rotational power could be harnessed to operate pumps , saws , etc.
the possibilities are endless.

Why not just buy a cheap MOT failed car and strip it out and keep off road? You may even be able to get one for free if you let it be known that you're looking.

With a very small amount of monthly maintenance it will be able to be kept in good enough condition to make the short journey you are contemplating.
conscius et paratum
7 March 2013, 13:56,
RE: robotic heavy load vehicle
id have to have somewhere to store a car off road, so it didnt incure roadtax.
i already thought of that one.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson

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