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Gonna take a break too !
7 March 2013, 19:50,
Gonna take a break too !
Im gonna have a long break on the Forum now..ive gained knowledge,made some cyber-friends too....BUT gonna concentrate on my own prepps for the foreseeable future, and start doing MORE than i already do. goodbye and goodluck..............or "see you on the road" as they say ! RW
7 March 2013, 19:51,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
ireally hope none of this is to do with my arrival, if thats the case id rather bugger off myself,
you guys have a pretty good forum here, its awfull watching it slowly falling appart.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 19:55,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
(7 March 2013, 19:51)Luci_ferson Wrote: ireally hope none of this is to do with my arrival, if thats the case id rather bugger off myself,
you guys have a pretty good forum here, its awfull watching it slowly falling appart.

nothing of the sort mate...stay and learn...feed your head ! RW
7 March 2013, 19:56,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
there will be noone left to learn from at this rate,
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
7 March 2013, 19:57,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
There are plenty of good people on here, everyone needs to contribute more, that's all.
conscius et paratum
7 March 2013, 19:59,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
(7 March 2013, 19:56)Luci_ferson Wrote: there will be noone left to learn from at this rate,

dont worry about it RW comes and gos hes free as the wind Smileand NR must have his time of the monthSmile
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
7 March 2013, 20:02,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
i hope you two are right, theyve still got usefull info in there heads that i need access too, they can do what they like once ive absorbed it all lol
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
8 March 2013, 00:27,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
WTF is going on with prepping forums at the moment. Is there something going on in the real world thet is causing all this un rest on uk prepping forums.

Is it the influx of tacticool wannabe preppers since the uk doomsday preppers was aired?

I am getting a bit fed up with all this grand exit, dying swan, falling on ones sword bollocks.

Surely if you want to leave a forum just log off and get on with your life. Why make such a song and dance of it.
If you can't strip it down and re build it, you don't own it
8 March 2013, 00:45,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
This is to do with SD closing threads. SD, mate, you're going to lose good posters over this. I argue that these matters are preparedness related and therefore fair game; if you want just a bushcraft forum, then that's your prerogative, but I would urge you not to forget what leads many people into preparedness in the first place, i.e., a non-mainstream worldview. There is very much an organic connection between the two.
8 March 2013, 00:52,
RE: Gonna take a break too !
This site is a little example of society. People come and go. There are a lot of experienced people here as well as those that want to learn. Between questions and answers it is those that contribute who make this site.

Everyone is welcome here any time and I have hardly any rules compared to any other site. However, there are those that don't want to follow even those.

As far as the closing threads is concerned. I've given my reasons and I don't see any need to change. I'm simply fed up of spending time I don't have solving arguments about the non prepper related threads. The prepper threads rarely degenerate into arguments. If I am doing that I'm not contributing articles and

Contribute, simply lurk or just don't visit. The choice is yours.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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