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WARNING! Controversial Thread
16 January 2012, 09:19,
WARNING! Controversial Thread
This is the thread that turned the 'inner circle' of previous forum against me.

Is it wrong to want something to happen?

My simple answer is, yes, it probably is wrong, as loads of people would suffer. But at the same time, I want to put everything I have learned and prepared to the test. I want to face the challenge head on.

The thought of something big happening is exciting! If it's not exciting then there is a good chance your adrenal gland isn't working. Maybe that excitement is masked in fear, maybe it comes through as a stomach fluttering. Either way, you are excited by the thought of it.

Deep down, yes, I guess I do want something to happen. Obviously there will be huge tragedies and the alike, but the idea of a polar shift, a change of planetary rotation, a loss of electricity, gas, petrol or water, a social collapse, or something like that is exciting to me.
16 January 2012, 09:47, (This post was last modified: 16 January 2012, 09:49 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
Oh puleese there is nothing wrong with wanting something to happen, nearly every human wish that by some miraculous but preferably non painful way the rest of the people around them could be reduced by about 80 %. We all want to live a nice utopian society where everyone has a nice home, space to live, quiet roads to drive on, no gangs to worry about etc. Many people ( usually wealthy middle classses) say that Britain was at its best just before WW2 when the UK pop was only in the 30 millions.

You people brought up on gaming stations often wish they could live the a PA world fighting the good fight surrounded by sex starved women killing mutants and no being affected by the radiation ( you may find that in Cardiff).

Everyone wants to be among those who SURVIVE a disaster but its preppers who want to SURVIVE & THRIVE.

Its a basic human desire to want challenge, to face adversity, to live life in top gear, to have mystery to deal with great unknowns
This is you Smile ( no sheep I promise)

16 January 2012, 09:59,
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
NR that is a really good post. Heart felt would be the wrong description, but I definitely think it has encouraged me and made me feel more accepted. Thank you mate. Nice one.

(16 January 2012, 09:47)NorthernRaider Wrote: This is you Smile ( no sheep I promise)

Not far off that. Maybe a little more greenery and plants, but it would be an awesome challenge to live like that.
16 January 2012, 10:17,
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
I could cry when I visit Teesside the place I was born and raised as a child, a cxouple of years ago we took our son to show here where I played as a child, EVERY bit and I mean EVERY BIT had been built on, all the grass, greenery trees etc GONE, Concrete and steel was whar replaced it only a really sick F***er would want to raise kids in a gang infested concrete jungle. Then we went into Stockton to show him where his mum and I courted and partied as teens, it looked like something out of mad max, the shops, cafes, bars and resteraunts long gone, steel security shutters, gangs, herds of lost asylum seekers, druggies hiding in the shadows. The 70s say maybe 4 cops on the town center at night, now even during the day its a dozen cops in overalls driving armoured Iveco vans is the norm. From there we took him to Marske by the Sea where we as a family spent the school holiday. Sandy dunes, cute little lizards, nice natural tidal swimming pool safe for kids and we stayed in 7 timber 3 bedroom chalets the family owned set into the sand dunes. Today the chalets are gone, burnt down by vandals, lizards wiped out by chemical overspray from farms, pool full of broken bottles, dunes coverd in dog shit used needles, discarded tampons and used condoms. Who the **** would NOT want to wipe out everyone of the cnuts who let that happen and turn the clocks back.

Shoot only 30 years ago people like us used to dream of having a trip to London to take in a show, visit the museums and galleries, have a meal, take a guided tour, stay in posh hotel. Now anyone with more than two brain cells will spend money to AVOID going into London. The whole world has gone tits up and THIS my generation is the first in a very long time that is leaving a nation and country in a worse state for our children, What sort of effing legacy is that. Most people my age would love to see 90% of the UK wiped out so our children would have at least a chance of a decent tomorrow.

16 January 2012, 10:47,
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
Northern Raider
Thank you for this post, your honesty is enlightening in this world of moderation and PC talk, and it it refreshing to be able to discuss such topics without a tide of "ooh how very dare you" as can be found elswhere. It seems to me a lot of people out there can't handle an honest opinion that goes against their own views, especially when it speaks the truth and reminds them of how things really are. I find the openess of this forum respectfull of a persons freedom of speech and views, as civilized debate should be. If someone doesn't like a view put forward, that is their prerogative, but I would also point out that it is the responsibility of everyone to protect anothers point of view even if you don't agree with it.
16 January 2012, 10:59, (This post was last modified: 16 January 2012, 11:00 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
Humans learn through EXPERIENCE, DISCUSSION, DEBATE and STUDY, how far would we have progressed as a society if we could not discuss and debate contentious issues ?, We can scream disagreement in each others faces but still respect and learn from each other.

For example my often barely controlled hostility towards fellow preppers who STILL think they can remain resident in a city with a family, I've heard all the excuses a thousand times, I totally disagree with every one of em but I respect their decisions even though I feel they are throwing away their lives, which weakens my position because I will have less fellow survivalists to work with after TSHTF.
Mind you i have no time for people preaching hate for hate sake.

16 January 2012, 11:04,
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
yes you are all right, OH and i were discussing this very thing this morning. I myself would LOVE a societal collapse, where all the welfare scum, drug dealers, drug users and all the rest of the trash were wiped out in the first cold winter leaving this once wonderful country clean of all its anti social elements with a much smaller population probably similar to the 50s and 60s.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 January 2012, 11:08,
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
(16 January 2012, 11:04)bigpaul Wrote: yes you are all right, OH and i were discussing this very thing this morning. I myself would LOVE a societal collapse, where all the welfare scum, drug dealers, drug users and all the rest of the trash were wiped out in the first cold winter leaving this once wonderful country clean of all its anti social elements with a much smaller population probably similar to the 50s and 60s.

Dont forget all the socialists, trade unionists and lefties.

16 January 2012, 11:12,
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
(16 January 2012, 11:08)NorthernRaider Wrote:
(16 January 2012, 11:04)bigpaul Wrote: yes you are all right, OH and i were discussing this very thing this morning. I myself would LOVE a societal collapse, where all the welfare scum, drug dealers, drug users and all the rest of the trash were wiped out in the first cold winter leaving this once wonderful country clean of all its anti social elements with a much smaller population probably similar to the 50s and 60s.

Dont forget all the socialists, trade unionists and lefties.

I did say "all the trash"!Tongue
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 January 2012, 11:22,
RE: WARNING! Controversial Thread
HAHA, we are sounding like a hate group hahahahaha.

It's brilliant being able to discuss these things though.

I feel that if society were to collapse, it is the 'scum and filth' (damn I sound like a snob, but those are accurate terms) that would rise up and start trouble. This is where we, the prepper community, would need to stand up and protect those worth protecting, like family, friends, and definitely each other!

I don't believe we are living in a time where there is a possibility of a SHTF scenario. I think we are living in a time of expectation, where we all know it will happen. We are just waiting for that radio announcement that says "THE SHIT HAS HIT THE FAN!!!!!!" Followed by all of us turning round and saying "I told you so!"

The expression is "The revolution will not be televised. It will be live." I believe that fully.

The only question is, what is going to be that 'last straw' on an already over burdened donkey? What is it that will cause The Snap?

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