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What are you most grateful for?
10 March 2013, 14:34, (This post was last modified: 10 March 2013, 14:35 by bigpaul.)
RE: What are you most grateful for?
(10 March 2013, 14:30)Luci_ferson Wrote: an unprepped soldier has a far greater chance than an unprepped civi.
and an unprepped soldier wouldnt be unprepped for long. (due to training)
where a civi wouldnt know where to start after an event if they had made no oplans previously.
we all have plans , most civis dont.

if by "civilians" you mean Sheeple..i agree, otherwise i disagree.

just cos a squaddie has done a survival course dosent mean he can survive against all the odds, their not supermen-just men(and women)!Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
10 March 2013, 14:37,
RE: What are you most grateful for?
yup i meant sheeple, average joe civi, the ones with no plans.
id still reckon an unprepped soldier would have a higher chance than myself too,
not others, but certainly higher than me.
second it kicked off a soldiers instinct is to get prepped.
and I dont mean all soldeirs of course theres a few that are about as dim as a brush shank, but you get that in any group of people.

anyway appologies for the thread diversion, it was entirely my fault.
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
10 March 2013, 18:25,
RE: What are you most grateful for?
(10 March 2013, 14:27)bigpaul Wrote: i dont agree (entirely), whilst i have the greatest respect for anyone who served in the forces, Ex and even Serving forces will die just as easily as civilians if there is no food available, or if the water is polluted. if its winter time and the supply of food is cut off, nothing coming in, it dosent matter who or what you were before the collapse, you are all subject to the same problems.

The Russian soldiers didn't think that in Stalingrad, the civilians died in their thousands, many more soldiers survived.

I am very grateful for what I learnt in the Army, it makes you think in a different way, much of survival is in the mind not in the goods you have stored,... If I have a years supply of food, I will start the first week as if I have none
A major part of survival is invisibility.
10 March 2013, 23:22, (This post was last modified: 10 March 2013, 23:38 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: What are you most grateful for?
the body can only do what the mind tells it, if the mind is incapable the body is useless.
but its hard to lose your body , and easy to lose your mind.

army training can help with keeping the mind in tough situations , the body will do what its told.

hope that makes sense cos im crap with trying to get my point across as youve already noticed, words are not my strong point.

what im trying to say is as preppers part of it is preparing the mind for what could be coming.
so that were in a better position to deal with it.
a lot of the armed services are already trained for that so they will automatically go into autopilot and kick into survival mode. (theyre training)
its no diferent to what were already doing as preppers only they had someone to teach them and drill it in till it was second nature.
we havent had that drilling , no matter how much we learn we will always be missing the drilling, and the experience of the life or death pressure. (not all of us but most of us)
its hard to make the right choices when your put in position of living and dying, and your body starts to pump huge amounts of adreneline into it that your not used too.
it alters how you think. you certainly dont make the decisions you would think you would.
the only thing that fixes this is experience. (training)

nah i give in, I really should have stuck in at english.

It always sounds better in my head. lol
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
11 March 2013, 00:25,
RE: What are you most grateful for?
You can do some self training though, try going out into the woods with nothing and see if you can last the weekend,.. take some food, but see if you can do without it.

Build a shelter, a simple lean to, make a bed from bracken or hay, make it deep so you sink into it, make a fire with a fire starter, brew up some nettle and pine needles, maybe set a trap and see if you are lucky, if you are not too squirish then you can take worms and boil them, swallow them without chewing, worms have more goodness than almost any insect,.. I think they are better fried though.

Its good fun, doesnt matter that you may not need those skills, its all about confidence building,.. tell yourself,....`I can go out and do that,`
A major part of survival is invisibility.
11 March 2013, 00:31, (This post was last modified: 11 March 2013, 00:34 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: What are you most grateful for?
ive been homeless 3 times highlander. the 2nd time i walked across the north yorkshire moors from middlesborough to just outside of bridlington.
i lived 8 weeks in a tent in feb for 2 weeks i lived off mushy pea sandwiches and vinegar cos its all i had.
ive got no troubles surviving personally. but when i did that stuff i was single i had no familly.
things change, and sometimes we lose some of that internal self will.
ive slept under bushes to get shelter from rain (you learn where to find dry places)

but ive got 3 kids now, one is only 2 and frankly all this is new to me now, ive never had others be reliant on me before. its a little scarey, infact I find it a lot scarey.

i was also not over 40 then

oh and snow on your tent looks cool , but you got to keep it pushed off or you wake up with your face touching the roof.
and if you start to feal warm get up and move around cos its not bloody warm your getting hypothermia lol
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
11 March 2013, 00:35,
RE: What are you most grateful for?
Maybe the better way ahead then is to pass on your skills to the children, and reduce the scare factor a bit, if they can learn then you have a few helpers, kids learn fast and easily at a young age
A major part of survival is invisibility.
11 March 2013, 00:37, (This post was last modified: 11 March 2013, 00:43 by Luci_ferson.)
RE: What are you most grateful for?
I had no skills dude, just had no choice and too stubborn to die.

thankfully my misses loves camping and i dont mean holiday parks,
and my kids love it too.
I guess my worries arent really them , its more me worrying about being responsible for someone other than me.
basically its time i grew up. (lol over 40 and just realised )
98% of it, is science, the rest is rainbows - Luci_ferson
28 March 2013, 13:57,
RE: What are you most grateful for?
My family and my health!
Mar sin leat
28 March 2013, 14:17,
RE: What are you most grateful for?
I agree with Montblanc and Scythe, being a Christian myself. It is a prepping advantage. We all know attitude is a major part of surviving. IMHO, believing in a higher power helps with this. I do the best I can and leave the rest to God. As the old saying goes, " there are no atheists in a foxhole." Now my OH takes it to the extreme of not wanting to prep, just pray. I counter that God helps those who help themselves. Try not to judge God by the religions and churches man has created. We screw up everything!

Too many strong men have turned away from the faith of their fathers. All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.

whatever your beliefs are i respect them, just ask the same in return. Happy Easter!

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