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EMP proof vehicles!!
15 March 2013, 21:39, (This post was last modified: 15 March 2013, 21:39 by HideandSeek.)
EMP proof vehicles!!
guys have you ever thought about the small hitch if the car won't start when your trying to bug out due to a high intensity emp wave.Well rest a Shore, read this positive link!
Where the senses fail us, reason must step in.
Galileo Galilei
15 March 2013, 21:46,
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
Thank you,.. that's an interesting piece
A major part of survival is invisibility.
15 March 2013, 21:49,
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
Just read the article, and must say it does answer a few tentative queries I had. Seems like my old diesel will be ok after all - fingers crossed.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
15 March 2013, 22:41,
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
Actually, the old jetta referred to in the article might be WORSE than modern cars.

Depending on the circumstances, the fuel cut solenoid might become faulty, or at least the charging circuit might be affected.

Anything on a car that users magnetic force and electromagnetic coils to operate could be affected.

Even an old moggie minor could be incapacitated.

Cars though, are crude Faraday cages anyways!

I was in the motor trade for 15 years, and I've seen cars temporarily immobilised by radio transmitters, and shopping centre steelwork, it's becoming less frequent, but as far as I'm aware it still happens....

I think anyone relying on a car needs to seriously rethink their strategy anyway. If the SHTF, and you have a car, your a target.
16 March 2013, 00:24,
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
I just hope my 1973 model tractor still cranks and goes. That will haul water from the lake and work the garden.

Post event one would not be doing much travel anyway.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
16 March 2013, 13:40,
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
The issue with EMP is you can't test it easily.

You just have to be cautious and imo be very cautious better spending time and money putting an extra layer that may not be required than skimping and losing the asset.

It is modern electronics that are most at risk. Note I said most. Many new cars will be just fine. Old style cars with simple points and no fancy electronics will be fine.

EMP is different from most things. eg. Many diesels can run on veg oil, but not all. Modern systems with their high tolerances don't like them. Older vehicles have lower tolerances and are fine.

The key part is that You can try your fuel and check. You can't check your EMP ratings. So go overboard on shielding.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
16 March 2013, 16:10,
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
I have never discussed this subject with anyone that was a "true believer" who could do so without going into "technojargon mode", start working out long complex formulas and drawing charts and graphs.

As complex as EMP is to understand, explain, and deal with, what is the classic protection for any and all EMP events? Wrap it in tinfoil and put it in a garbage can!

The true tinfoil hat senerio!

One of the large labs here in the U.S. did a test on autos a while back for our National Geographic Society. The EMP generator needed to stop an automobile was as large as a railcar. Additionally, it only stopped one out of 10 vehicles and the ones it did stop returned to service when the ignition was turned off and back on.

They debunked many of the previous tests as direct electrical overloads, either static or intentional short circuiting, and not true EMP.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
16 March 2013, 16:15,
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
i thought an EMP would fry anything with a battery??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
16 March 2013, 16:40, (This post was last modified: 16 March 2013, 16:48 by Mortblanc.)
RE: EMP proof vehicles!!
It is part of the elecromagnetic spectrum, the energy it could produce would be totally dependant on distance and length of exposure, just like any radiation from light to x-rays.

It also is a straight line energy, just like light and gamma rays. It can not go around corners or float like a mist to seek out your gear through cracks in your tinfoil or bad rubber seals in your ammo can!

Just like a nuke blast, if you are a hundred miles from the event you will probably be safe, and EMP has no fallout.

Those farmers out in the sticks, far from the urban centers, with their vehicles and tractors parked in the metal outbuildings, will probably only notice that the TV is out.

(16 March 2013, 16:40)Mortblanc Wrote: It is part of the elecromagnetic spectrum, the energy it could produce would be totally dependant on distance and length of exposure, just like any radiation from light to x-rays.

It also is a straight line energy, just like light and gamma rays. It can not go around corners or float like a mist to seek out your gear through cracks in your tinfoil or bad rubber seals in your ammo can!

Just like a nuke blast, if you are a hundred miles from the event you will probably be safe, and EMP has no fallout.

Those farmers out in the sticks, far from the urban centers, with their vehicles and tractors parked in the metal outbuildings, will probably only notice that the TV is out.

And the TV will only be out due to the failure of the urban grid directly under the EMP blast.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.

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