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home security
1 September 2011, 01:15,
home security
what do you think about booby traps and ied's?.
in an after event i think it's good security to know how to construct these items as are numbers will be down and looters are anyone else wishing to take are things would be on the rise and i don't think they will take no for an answer?.
also power will be valuable so cctv etc. would be hard to use but traps and ied's could just sit there on guard for usDodgy
to win the war, you must be willing to die
1 September 2011, 08:12,
RE: home security
I think they should be part of our prepping but as I pointed out before many of these things take us the wrong side of the law. We need to be very careful.

However, nothing wrong with planning them for the time after an event.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
2 September 2011, 20:47,
RE: home security
After an event i would imagine power would be out in affected areas, if your going to stay home i would say it would be a priority to plan some sort of trap or traps but you will need to make sure they can hold off lots of people because if people are hurt trying to get to you others will target you as you have somthing you dont want to share,

I would say the best thing to do would be to get your family and friends together and leave your home, just take what you need to live. get away from people that is the safest thing you can do in or after an event.
3 September 2011, 09:12,
RE: home security

You don't need power to set booby traps. In fact powerless ones could be made to look accidental or natural if planned correctly which will help avoid attracting trouble.

You have to stop somewhere. A small group travelling around is unlikely to survive. Plan to Bug In or Bug Out to a definite location.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 September 2011, 19:12,
RE: home security

New to the forum,my name is Rafael,living and I'm pretty new on this survival" life style" but I would like to share my thoughts if that helps.

Barbed wire sounds like a good option for protection or if bugging out setting a secure perimeter.

3 September 2011, 20:49,
RE: home security
Rafael, We are all here to learn so glad to hear your thoughts.

Barbed wire is a very popular method and one that amazingly is still available in the UK.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
3 September 2011, 23:07,
RE: home security
i think if you use barbed wire around your place more than a normal house then you would draw unwanted attention to you?
have you herd of being the gray man
the more somewhere looks overkill that tells me people want to keep it safe.
if i did not want to booby trap the area then i would make it just a bit hardard than property close around.
the reason i would booby trap the area is i need a force multiplier to work 24/7 and my family are the most important thing in the world to me.
to win the war, you must be willing to die
3 September 2011, 23:58,
RE: home security
(3 September 2011, 23:07)grumpy old man Wrote: hi
i think if you use barbed wire around your place more than a normal house then you would draw unwanted attention to you?
have you herd of being the gray man
the more somewhere looks overkill that tells me people want to keep it safe.
if i did not want to booby trap the area then i would make it just a bit hardard than property close around.
the reason i would booby trap the area is i need a force multiplier to work 24/7 and my family are the most important thing in the world to me.

It would also depend on how much barbed wire was beeing use around your perimeter if you had huge coils of wire it may attract unwanted attention but may be a big help and may give you a little time to prepare.
4 September 2011, 10:21,
RE: home security

There is strategic placing of barbed wire but then there is growing brambles as a perimeter defence. Digging holes and covering them with paper or grass, broken glass and enough to make it look derelict and not worth the bother. It is a viable component of security. That is why it is used so much.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
5 September 2011, 00:48,
RE: home security
hi skean
i have always liked and used wild bushes with lots of spikes. nature gives us help if we know where to look and use it.
the rest of what you would do is booby traps
lots of cctv and razor wire just stands out like a pot full of honey, telling you to stay out.
unless you have a castle and everthing just like in my dreams ha! ha!
to win the war, you must be willing to die

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