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Wild Food
6 July 2013, 21:56,
Wild Food
I found this site on one of my wanderings through the Web. It's quite interesting because the author has an unsual way of looking at edible plants.

Worth a look for interest's sake.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
7 July 2013, 05:49,
RE: Wild Food
Mary N, Thank you for this. It appears to be a very good site. A number of plants that I have not encountered before. Maybe, they are imported species that have escaped from gardens. However, a very interesting site. Kenneth Eames.
7 July 2013, 20:20,
RE: Wild Food
I was very surprised with the Ground Elder part of that piece,.. that's just doubled my food preps,
A major part of survival is invisibility.
8 July 2013, 09:25,
RE: Wild Food
big thanks for this one,

it's given me a few ideas!
in some cases, those with the least to say, say the most.....
9 July 2013, 06:11,
RE: Wild Food
Plants for a Future are a great place to start. Many plants listed there that many people would not know. If you grow these plants you should well be able to survive but do not tell anyone else that they are edible. If an event happens it's quite possible that they will tell others. If you want to help others, you can help them with soups, etc, but do not have to disclose the contents. Mix with other local wild plants. Share details with other close preppers. You could grow these plants in secret gardens and woodland locally. There are very few botanists around. I only know the local wild plants in my area. Kenneth Eames.
10 July 2013, 18:09,
RE: Wild Food
A great site thanks. Added it to my references. You might like this one too
An old scout is full of rescource, that is he can find a way out of any difficulty or discomfort. (Lord Robert Baden Powell)

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