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My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
8 July 2013, 20:24, (This post was last modified: 8 July 2013, 20:26 by NorthernRaider.)
My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
Yup my 84 year old mum and my autistic brother just got robbed at knife point IN THEIR OWN HOME at tea time. Stole £150 their weekly pension money after thratening to stab them both to death.

Suspect put his bicycle up against the back wall and climbed over the wall, opened the gate and let himself into the garden. He then knocked at the locked back door and my brother answered !!! (Autistic folks dont think like we do).

Her neighbour phoned us to tell us and we went straight down, point of note that same neighbour was burgled by the same method a few weeks ago and the police KNEW who to go for ( The window cleaner and his mate) Yes you guessed even with multiple offences the idiot retards in the justice sytem appear to have bailed him to commit more offences.

Social restorative justice like the social welfare state and NHS does not and has never worked the only things criminals fear is physical pain and death, I believe than anyone who has commited three arrestable offences should get an automatic life sentence without chance of parole.

Just another reason for me to hate and despise modern British society and those who have engineered its dreadful creation.

8 July 2013, 20:43,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
Sorry to hear that mate. At least no one was hurt. anything we an do?. Least you know who it was, I bet you feel like basting them but I know you will not ha ha
Failure is NOT an option
8 July 2013, 20:53,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
Sorry to hear, sick bastards in society
8 July 2013, 20:54,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
I'm sorry to hear that, I hope they are both ok
8 July 2013, 21:06,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
Yes,... the system has let good people down yet again,.... hope they both recover ok
A major part of survival is invisibility.
8 July 2013, 21:22,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
That's awful, NR. Hope your Mum and brother are o.k. There are some real sickos out there.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
8 July 2013, 21:38,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
Sorry to hear about that NR, some real scum suckers out there who need some old fashioned justice handed out....just a personal opinion!
8 July 2013, 21:45,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
Sorry to hear NR , hope they both get over the shock of it all, there is only one way to deal with scum like this ....death ...I am not joking ......sick to the stomach of this type of crime kill the fu.kers slow , what the hell happened to this country , and the dumb bastards running the show who are worse than useless .
8 July 2013, 21:47,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed
So sorry to hear this NR it makes me sick,I look after my 80 year old man and if that happened to him i would want the fuckers hanged
Todays mighty oak is just yesterdays nut that held its ground
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king
8 July 2013, 21:56,
RE: My mum and handicapped brother just got robbed

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