13 July 2013, 12:19,
(This post was last modified: 13 July 2013, 12:30 by Sunna.)
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fit club
to join fit club you must tell us what you do and why
what are your goals
updates on how things are going
since giving up smoking 4 yrs ago iv put on a lot of weight , im walking every day for one and a half to 2 hours weather permiting .
on wet days or when to iv too much on iv started using a boxing/martial art dvd only a fiver money well spent .
i take it eazy with this as it can take a toll on your knees ect ,but other wise good stuff
my goal is to lose weight and get fitter and hope fully in time be able to jog a mile or two
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13 July 2013, 15:14,
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RE: fit club
I need to get back in shape, would like to get down to 16 stone. Boxing/mma isnt an option because of my hand, pretty frustrating as the kid I used to spar with has had a few fights now. I piled on the weight when I quit smoking, but was never a skinny build. Going to start vycling and eating regular meals rather than eating loads at tea time.
"A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have" Thomas Jefferson
13 July 2013, 17:45,
(This post was last modified: 13 July 2013, 17:51 by Mortblanc.)
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RE: fit club
Like many others here I have limitations.
I am 63 years old.
I have had three back surgeries.
I had a heart attack in '04.
No martial arts for me, no jogging, no weight lifting.
I found that each time the doctors changed my heart meds I put on ten pounds. Soon I was fighting for my life, carrying an extra 100 pounds.
I went on a low carb diet and lost the weight over the course of 8 months. I have kept it off for two years. The core of my "fitness program" is sensible healthy eating. No sweets, low carb intake (no potatoes, bread, pasta, rice or other grains), and moderate calorie control.
The most dangerous plague in the western world is uncontrolled face stuffing. Which makes the best exercise pushing oneself away from the table.
I am not into starving myself. I do eat bacon, eggs, meats and vegetables and anything I can scarf out of the garden or pull from the lake.
I am not dead onto the American Medical Association height/weight chart, which is based on looking like a survivor of a Nazi concentration camp, but I do meet the military H/W standard at the oldest age listed. 200 pounds at 5'10".
I walk a lot and I am very active around the farm, even though I avoid heavy lifting.
Yes, occasionally I cheat.
Icecream on special occasions or a sandwich perhaps once a month, and when on camping trips or visiting friends for dinner I mind my manners and eat what is available.
I simply do not make uncontrolled eating of food that harms me a lifestyle choice.
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13 July 2013, 18:01,
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RE: fit club
I am 65 years of age but I think compared to some my age I am reasonably fit, I gave up smoking in 1995 and I don't drink, I WAS 19stone(226LBS), we cut out the biscuits, the sweets and the crisps, cut down(but not out) on the pasties and the pies-only one a week! we both lost about 3 stone and I am now just above 16 stone(184LBS), i'll never be slim, the "optimum" weight according to the NHS for someone my height(6FT) is 12 stone(168LBS) but I don't think i'll ever get down to that. I don't run and I don't jog-I've got flat feet, but I CAN walk all day if I have to, I take the dog out twice a day and we do about 3 miles in total, we're going to a car boot sale tomorrow morning and we'll both walk MILES around a good one! we also cycle.i have to say I may be 65 years of AGE but I don't FEEL 65 nothing like it!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 July 2013, 01:27,
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RE: fit club
I'm soooooooooooo close to 40 it's getting real, every so often I have spurts of ...I must get fit, I've run (knee's are knackered now), cycled, used weights, done the odd walk.......My main problem is movitation and that I'm lazy and cannot be bothered to exercise, don't get me wrong when I'm in work, I work my arse off, whether this is loading 10 ton of stock onto a container twice a day or driving a fork lift, not really bothered with the shit chat that most people do, I need motivating out of work to exercise, any tips welcome.
14 July 2013, 06:08,
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RE: fit club
someone should check their math!!! there are 14lbs to the stone so 19 stone is 266lb and 16 stone is 224lb, 184lbis just over 13 stone!! nice try bp lol
14 July 2013, 09:58,
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RE: fit club
(14 July 2013, 06:08)Tigs Wrote: someone should check their math!!! there are 14lbs to the stone so 19 stone is 266lb and 16 stone is 224lb, 184lbis just over 13 stone!! nice try bp lol
whatever!  I was only putting the LBS for our American cousins and your quite right Tigs I got the sums wrong  I go on stones for my own benefit and that I DID get right!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 July 2013, 11:53,
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RE: fit club
Well I am 6'5 and built like a brick outhouse as they say but to join the military I was told to get down to 16 stone (224lb) which frankly I did, looked ill but was still fit. On arrival for Initial Officer Training got told I was too skinny by the medics and was told to put on some weight and ordered to eat twice as much breakfast as everyone else - happy days no probs there! LOL
Now I swim 2-3 times a week, walk my dog twice daily, canoe once a fortnight, archery and shooting once a week (and they do need a certain level of fitness even though it sounds daft!), cycle occasionally but love hillwalking with my family - tried to get into a gym routine but hated it and get too bored jogging/running. I am now 20 stonesish (280lb) though not toned can still walk for England carrying full pack and pass the annual fitness test every year, still get told by my Dr I am obese by BMI standards but as Mortblanc said to be the right weight I would need to look like some of those poor people in Ethiopia.
I eat fairly well but my 'vice' is fizzy drinks especially Coca-Cola which if I stopped would help me lose weight but it is too nice
14 July 2013, 13:35,
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RE: fit club
I stopped drinking Coke a long time ago...it rots your teeth!! 
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 July 2013, 15:06,
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RE: fit club
Here in the States the military H/W chart and the medical H/W chart are much different.
The military realizes that muscle weighs more than fat and their people need muscle to accomplish their mission. They also realize that metabolism and body shape shift as we age. They adjust the charts accordingly.
The military chart allows 25 pounds more than the medical chart for a man my height and age.
We should consider that in any SHTF situation or in preparing for one we should go with the military expectation. We will need the few extra pounds even if there is no combat involved with our experience.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.