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'Silent' genny
22 August 2013, 10:05,
'Silent' genny
Found this earlier:

On the surface it claims to be silent and looks cheap to me. Has anyone come accross this before & is it worth the money?
22 August 2013, 10:39, (This post was last modified: 22 August 2013, 10:43 by Prepper1.)
RE: 'Silent' genny
its a similar one to the one i have. its a pretty much generic chinese genny. you need to change the spark plug for a good one its a standard chinese one for an ngk or similar. there not silent but not obscenely loud. you can silence them more by fitting a different exhaust stuffed with wire wool or similar. i got mine for 45 squid test run only. can be difficult to start unless the carbs full of fuel. to do that give it a few pulls with it switched off. then switch it on and it should burst into life. dont let it run dry of fuel as it may surge the generator and could damage sensitive stuff.

make sure you run all gennys outside unless you want to die.

theres no such thing as a silent generator.
if you get one cheap enough as i did it could make an excellent barter item.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...

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