Seen as we are all getting creative here, would acid hold in a glass container? No need for glows you would hear them screaming for miles.
Not that I would ever do such a thing personally of course
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RE: How to see an enemy if they breach your area.
How about an i.r strobe or light?
Seen it in action on a program about afghan.
Apparently they're only visible with i.r. goggles.
If that's right, then you can buy ir led's on ebay, rig yourself a battery pack up and provided you have ir goggles you'd know something tripped the light but they wouldn't know giving you the element of surprise.
Can the naked human eye see infrared light?
In: Eyes, Solar Power [Edit categories]
The naked eye cannot see infrared light. The naked eye can see red. Both red light and infrared light are two different colors. Infrared light can't be seen, because it's wavelength is too long for the naker d human eye to detect.
Homemade Infrared Goggles! For Under $10$10/
dont know if this would work but if anybodys got any spare welding goggles .... give it a try...
from what I can gather they only work if the ir light source is a bright one.
I tried to be normal once.... Worst two minutes of my life...
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RE: How to see an enemy if they breach your area.
I don't understand how they can work as described. IR is on a different wavelength that we can't see. The filters simply filter out some light allowing only certain wavelengths through. So, I guess, that IR would get through but we still can't see it so how does that work.
I'd guess this just allows red light through so we see a red torch not IR.
Anyone tried this? If you do let me know how it goes.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
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RE: How to see an enemy if they breach your area.
There is something wrong here surely, the Military use IR, on sights, vehicles and spotting,... all manor of things, if IR could be seen through a camera, then IR would never have made it to the Military sales, let alone the battle field
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RE: How to see an enemy if they breach your area.
You need a camera which can see in passive infrared, not every point and click can do this. Most military hardware these days have their (sometimes a lot better) civilian counterparts. IR is old hat these days its all about thermal imaging lol.
Most CCD devices can see IR, in fact most are so sensitive to it that they have filters to block the IR so that it doesn't overwhelm the device. Sony videocams used to have a "nightshot" function which simply removed the filter.
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RE: How to see an enemy if they breach your area.
Most cameras can see IR, remote controls look 'pink' on all three of my cameras.
IR is a range of light not a single frequency, most military prefer to work up towards the Short Wave IR these days rather than the 'just not quite Red anymore IR'.
There is also a big difference between being able to see the LED and being able to see things near the LED from the light reflected light back off the object. (You can see a car headlights when the car is still a mile away but the car driver can't see you until you're a lot closer).
If you point a single LED towards you, you can see which alarm was set off but you need a pretty big array if you want to be able to illuminate what set it off and where they are moving to. I also don't like the idea of needing a camera to see out the window at night, needing it to hand and needing it to have good batteries. Also the display on the camera is going to backlight your face a lot in the otherwise pitch darkness.
In a SHTF scenario the smell of excrement will become a lot more common and something people will become somewhat habituated to. I don't think a bucket of it will be as effective as some suggest here. Many people without toilet paper will adopt "one hand to feed with and one hand to wipe with".
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RE: How to see an enemy if they breach your area.
(10 September 2013, 18:13)Skvez Wrote: In a SHTF scenario the smell of excrement will become a lot more common and something people will become somewhat habituated to. .
we are used to this in the countryside, its called MUCK spreading!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
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RE: How to see an enemy if they breach your area.
What we all need is a ` `Starlight scope`,... most ex military guys of a certain age will know of these,.. they were fitted to our rifles for Northern Ireland [ 70s -80s ], they are quiet large, but worked extremely well, I am not sure how they worked, but I think they somehow amplified the light from the stars,.. [ even on starless nights ]