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CB newbie
18 October 2013, 09:49,
CB newbie
Hi we used to have cbs in the 80s when I was a kid. We had am rigs base stations etc. My question is I have been out the loop with them what is a good rig for my truck and what sort of range do they have. Them am rigs are better for range but I thought you could no longer use them as they used to bled over on TVs etc
Luck Favours the Prepared Incredibles
18 October 2013, 15:09,
RE: CB newbie
A lot has changed with CBs since then. What was legalised was incompatable with everyone else. UK Gov standard.

They are now looking at coming out with a new CB standard that covers SSB.I'd keep me eyes o that if I was fact I'm doing it myself.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
18 October 2013, 15:32,
RE: CB newbie
Ok cheers
Luck Favours the Prepared Incredibles
18 October 2013, 16:22,
RE: CB newbie
Try these people gave me some good info.
Failure is NOT an option
18 October 2013, 17:23,
RE: CB newbie
I think that CB will be as important as Ham radios after an event, for the future of CBs and the am frequences here is a link to the consultaion thats going on now
A major part of survival is invisibility.
31 October 2013, 18:51,
RE: CB newbie

Current legal CB is still 4watts the same as the basic AM rigs that were available in the 70s and 80s. As SD has pointed out UK original specification was intenentionally out of step frequency wise with the rest of the CB world, and transmission mode was FM. Range is pretty much the same as the old AM radios.

Subsequently UK harmonised with Europe and accepted a second batch of 40 FM channels, again at 4w.

OFCOM the UK radio regulator is currently in a consultation period ahead of signing up to the latest European CB harmonisation recommendations. This has been accepted by almost all EU member states now. It supplements the previous harmonisation with allowance of 12w SSB and also AM transmission mode ( but I cannot remember the power limit)

OFCOM expect to make an announcement on the new standard at the end of this year.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
8 January 2014, 00:40,
RE: CB newbie
I, too, was on CB Radio, back in the 1980s. I was on for around 15 years, or so. My handle was "The Witch Finder General" and I'm on the Wirral Peninsula. CB Radio really does have value for such applications as comms after a national or local event / predicament.

I am among those looking closely at developments towards the re-introduction of general daily use of CB Radio.

It's a pretty powerful friend, as I recall.
Sign on my back door: "Dear Burglar: Name anybody who will be looking for you beneath my floorboards!"
8 January 2014, 10:19,
RE: CB newbie
It is past the end of the year. Anyone heard any news. I haven't.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
8 January 2014, 13:48,
RE: CB newbie
No not a thing SD
Failure is NOT an option
8 January 2014, 14:27,
RE: CB newbie
My CB isn't in the truck yet, but from what I gathered when I did have it in there is; no other fucker uses it.

Did have a few chats with some random people, but not much. When you do find someone it's normally 2 old blokes talking crap to each other a couple of houses away.

I'm sure it'll be very useful when the time comes, but I've not got much use for mine before. Probably put it back in the truck though, just in case.

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