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is this what your on about?
it says Enclosed within a military standard rugged hard-shell case are all of the components required to facilitate a private GSM network. The Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU) has the means to transmit and receive calls over GSM by utilising an integrated GSM Base Transceiver Station (BTS). This works in conjunction with the Private Mobile eXchange (PMX) software platform that contains the individual software components that would normally make up a macro mobile voice/SMS network – a Base Station Controller (BSC) and Mobile Switching Centre (MSC), which incorporates an SMS switching centre.
the specs are SPGN Delivers Significant Military
• GUI driven Operations & Maintenance Center (OMC) for
Communication Advantages: ease of administration, subscription management and
network troubleshooting
• Man-portable, easy to use. ruggedize d units enabling
• Mountable into standard 19†or 23†rack
calls anywhere, anytime
Network Options:
• Light weight < 35 lbs, Size = (30â€Âx1 8†x12â€Â)
• GSN node for GPRS support
• Setup < 5 minutes
• SMC-C for Short Messaging (text) support
• Voice, SMS, GPRS, Data using GSM handsets
• Secure Calling (Type 1) Remote Gate way Technical Specifications:
• Support for 7 simultaneous calls
• Loca ll y switche d calls – no backhaul required Cellular BTS
: Supports a single Base Station Transceiver, 8
• Flexible backhaul options timeslots (TS0-7), single static RF channel for C0, which operates on
• Air/Land/Sea configurations
one of the following PCS/Cellular spectrums:
• 900 MHz
• 1800 MHz How It Works:
• 1900 MHz
Supports adding or dais y-chaining multiple Base Station Transceivers
Altobridge ’s SPGN platform employs an innovative split Base Antenna
Station Control ler architecture that permits very cost effective On-board 0dBi omni-directional (nominal)
use of IP-based backh aul resources such as satellites for Optional external antenna connections & power amplification for
cellular communications. An Altobridge Ground Gateway
extended coverage (optional)
Dimensions & Weight
(GGW) application runs in the Gateway Controller located at
• 28.3â€Â(H) x 11.0â€Â(W) x 3.0â€Â(D)
the Central Site and supports a standard GSM A interface for
• 5.9 lbs (2.7kg)
communication with conve ntional Mobile Switching Center
(MSC) as well as a standard Gb interface to a GSN for packet
• Power consumption: 13W
data traffic. The GGW optimizes GSM signaling and voice
• Input supply: 38 – 50 volt DC
traffic so that a network provider achieves the best possible
quality-to-cost ratio. Ruggedized Laptop PC
Altobridge’s patented Access Management™ Remote Gateway
An Altobridge Remote Gateway (RGW) is located at the
software runs on a ruggedized PC i.e. Panasonic Toughbook CF30:
remote locatio n and is comprised of a pico cell Base Station
• Full magnesium alloy case with handle
Transceiver (BTS), a server (in most appl ications a r • Mobile broadband and GPS capable uggedized
• Wireless-ready PC), and a satellite modem/antenna. It uses standard GSM
• Intel® Core™ 2 Duo Mobile Processor Abis to communicate with the BTS. The RGW manages much
• 80GB shock-mounted removable HDD
of the Abis signaling and provides speech transcoding to
• Sealed all-weather design
compress voice traffic. Unlike other solutions, the RGW does
• Fully-rugged MIL-STD-810F tested
not require a constant persistent satellite signal. This greatly
reduces satell ite bandwidth requirements and costs to the
Dimensions & Weight
network operator because only voice/message traffic and
• 2.8"(H) x 11.9"(W) x 11.3"(D)
essenti al mob il ity man agement traffic use the satellite link
• 8.4 lbs (3.8 kg)
(e.g.; initial LU to register the MS). Because satellite Power
bandwi dth is managed so efficiently, the RG W can host • Lithium ion battery pack (10.65V, 8550mAh)
additional user applications su ch as video an d imag e • Battery operation

7 hours
• AC Adapter: AC 100V-240V 50/60Hz
Satellite Antenna Ground Gateway Technical Specifications :
(Note: only one of many backhaul options available. Contact
Altobridge for a list of other IP based options)
Altobridge’s patented Access Management™ Ground Gateway
software runs on an HP DL 360 with the following characteristics: Inmarsat BGAN
• Thrane & Thrane Explorer Series
Processors: (2) Dual-Core Intel® Xeon® processor 5000 300, 500, 700
Memory: 32 GB of memory COTM 527, 727
Storage Controller: HP Smart Array 256MB Controller (RAID 0/1/5)
• Hughes HNS 9501
Slimline media bay supporting DVD, CD or Floppy drive COTM under development
Network Controller: Dual NC373i Multifunction Gigabit Network
• Addvalue Sabre
Adapters with TCP/IP Offload Engine COTM under development
Form Factor: 1U Rack form factor
i.e. Thrane &Thrane Explorer 500
Dimensions: (H x W x D) 1.70 x 16.78 x 27.75 in Simultaneous voice and data communication • High-speed data
Weight: Maximum 37 lb (16.78 kg)
transfer up to 464 kbps • Seamless global coverage • Support for
Power: 110 – 240 VAC
streaming video or audio at up to 128 kbps • Flexible connections
with Ethernet, USB and Bluetooth • Easy system setup and
Mobile Switching Center (MSC) Specifications : operation • Lightweight, splash and dust proof
Dimensions & Weight
• 8.5"(H) x 8.5"(W) x 2.1"(D)
• Up to 5000 subscribers per switching node (HLR)
• 2.9lbs (1.3kg)
• Standard Primary Rate ISDN interface to users PBX
• Optional Interworking Function (IWF) to support Secure
Battery pack (10-16v DC), 110-220v AC
calling to and from Type 1 encryption GSM cell phones