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Offering help
23 February 2014, 18:18,
Offering help
Having just read S13s thread on homesteading and teamwork I feel inspired to write this.

If anyone needs help with anything, an extra pair of hands or anything like that just give me a shout.
I live in the north east so obviously the nearer the better, Im 23 athletic build (incase you oldies need help lifting things Big Grin) also Im in the engineering trade with a mechanical bias and have a degree to prove it Big Grin
admittedly I'm a rookie when it comes to survival skills etc

So yeah give me a shout on here if your from northeast region n ill give you my number and work and time allowing I offer my services.
24 February 2014, 13:50,
RE: Offering help
Don't get disheartened by the lack of response mate....preppers are fanatical about there security and you would be a stranger to all of us , a genuinely nice gesture but I doubt anybody will take you up on it for fear of being compromised.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
24 February 2014, 20:48,
RE: Offering help
You know what mate, if you were down this end of the country, you could help me lay come concrete for an IBC, and then when I get a few more, you could use your engineering to help me turn one of the IBC's into an aquaponic system!

Pity you're so far off mate.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
25 February 2014, 04:27,
RE: Offering help
Yeah I thought as much midnite, it's a shame Because there is probably more benefits to working together and building communities. But I understand people not know or trusting me etc I just know on occasion I have need a bit of help and think I wish I knew more preppers or survivalist who understand instead of just thinking I'm crazy lol,
When tHe SHTF for example I don't know anyone with any real medical expertise or various other expertise just think it would be a good idea if we had 'clicks' from different regions that could rely and help one another although trust becomes and issue again,
Never mind offer stands non the less

And yeah s13 it's a shame would of liked to meet the man behind the awesome posts I keep reading Smile
25 February 2014, 09:53,
RE: Offering help
A kind offer Scott but I fear you may end up disappointed, many of the preppers I reached out in this area turned out to be very unreliable, indeed only Road Warrior out of eleven other preppers I tried to work with in the last two years turned out to be a good guy who I learned to trust. I wish you well in your search for others in this area.

25 February 2014, 10:15,
RE: Offering help
It can be a long slow slog Scott, I find myself in a very similar situation here in North Lincolnshire area, difficult to meet up with like minded individuals never mind developing some sort of group or cooperative. I can only suggest try to meet up with others on neutral ground or get to any of the rv's or meets if at all possible, it is what I would choose to do if I where able, but getting away at weekends can be difficult.
25 February 2014, 14:16,
RE: Offering help
Nice offer Scott, don't get too disheartened though. Where NE are you roughly? no need for precise location.
25 February 2014, 22:09,
RE: Offering help
thanks for the advice guys, and thats a shame NR I at least have one friend who is very serious like my self a is half a mile away, but he is too similar to me met him while training to be an engineer, so we have to same skill set both fairly young and inexperienced in survival but at least i know i can trust him.

and Im from Washington
26 February 2014, 01:17,
RE: Offering help
I think it is as much about what you want from a meet or a relationship with someone as trust. Preparing - properly - living as close now to how you may live if TSHTF - is very time consuming - at least I find it is for me. When their is daylight, their are jobs to be done - looking after livestock, tending to land, cutting and chopping wood, repairs and maintenance etcetera. Leaves little time for much else, especially when you work.

I have come across a few people where I would see them as back up and they would me - conversations usually start from some mutual interest around things prepping related - beat up pick ups, do you have bother getting wood for your stove, do you grow enough potatoes so you do not have to buy any etcetera.

That way, you can see people are into stuff. On the net, a prepper might jsut be some dude with 48 cans of beans, a cuboard full of pot noodles and lots of knives - not saying that that is or is not a prepper, but for me, those people that incorporate the skills they will rely on should TSHTF into their day to day lives now are the ones I would rather spend time with if we had reason to do so.

I live over the back from you, dont mind meeting up so long as their is something doing. You can help me pull wood out of the Tyne and the Wear and be my man with a phone should I do some accidental face surgery with my Stihl. I will even lend you a maul so you can split the wood.
26 February 2014, 03:27,
RE: Offering help
Bulletscott, don't be too discouraged by some of the responses you've had.

Yes, people are concerned with their OPSEC but support groups are possible. It takes just a few to put a wee bit of of trust and a wee bit of effort into an initial meet and you can soon build a group of like-minded folk on whom you can depend.

There is at least one such group in the West of Scotland and perhaps another that spends quite a lot of time getting wet on Dartmoor!


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