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NR's Dream come true?
9 March 2014, 08:25, (This post was last modified: 9 March 2014, 08:26 by Lightspeed.)
NR's Dream come true?
NR's radio dreams may have just gotten realized.

A radio is now available that has switchable low and high power, operates on CB, PMR, Ham and Marine/rescue frequencies.

It is also able to operate as a full Ham type repeater, and can do so across bands, so for example it would allow DIRECT communication between a simple PMR radio and a basic simple 27/81 type CB radio.

The radio is also able to monitor airband.

It appeared to be FM only, so no SSB CB though, sorry .

The removable head unit makes it a very strong candidate to build into a potent man pack.

As a guide, Using a similar speced ICOM rig on Ham VHF frequencies, with a decent mobile antenna and 50w power, I can fairly reliably hit repeaters at 50 miles range when driving out of London into East Anglia.

I will not be purchasing one of these as I have coms on its frequencies well covered.

If anyone else does purchase one of these units, please NOTE THAT MANY OF ITS TRANSMIT CAPABILITIES ARE ILLEGAL WITHIN EXISTING UK RADIO REGULATIONS . You have been warnedSad

Details and comment:

Model: Wouxun KG-UV950P

26-29MHz, Ham and CB
50-53MHz, Ham and old mil and old private walkie talkies
136-174MHz, Ham, Marine
400-480MHz Ham, and PMR

26-29MHz, as per TX
50-53MHz, , as per TX
65-108MHz, , as per TX
108-180MHz, Airband
320-349MHz, ???
400-480MHz, , as per TX
700-987MHz Mobile phones

Output Power selectable 50W/25W/10W/5W

1. Full Duplex Cross-band Repeater Full ham type repeater circuits, even allows repeating from ham to CB, CB to PMR etc.
2. Dual Display Monitor CB and Marine at same time for ex

3. Over 999 Memory Channels Not specced, but I bet these will be Alpha codeable, so user griendly name displays that you are looking for can replace frequencies. Eg <<CB UK Ch01>> instead of 27.xxxMhz

4. Remote-head Mounting Capacity. Head, and speaker mike can be remoted from the main transceiver body. Supplied with a 3m long remote cable, makes this an ideal basis of a manpack.

5. DTMF Encoding & Decoding. useful for receiving DTMF tone pulses as messaging from UV5rs for ex.

6. Priority Channel Scanning. Fast scanning ( important with 999 memory channels)

7. Chinese/English Voice Guide. Very useful for manpack operation ( channel changes without need to look at display)

8. Stun and Kill Function. If radio falls into the hands of unfriendlies (who could use it to monitor or capture programmed frequency setups) the radio can be completely wiped and deactivated by sending it a coded tone (by remote radio)
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
9 March 2014, 10:21, (This post was last modified: 9 March 2014, 10:27 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: NR's Dream come true?
HAH !!!!! Smile

I just love it when I'm proven right ( for once Smile )

How much ? and a pertinent point of note, Whilst having one radio to meet most of our prepper comms roles we must remember that we would need to keep quite a few spare sets in store because if the "all in one " rig fails you lose ALL your radio comms.

And don't forget the batteries for this rig weight 7 tons each Smile

9 March 2014, 12:15,
RE: NR's Dream come true?
£250 will buy this bit of kit.

I think I can buy quite a few UV3 and 5Rs for that amount.

Worth watching though. Cheaper ones will come along.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
9 March 2014, 12:33,
RE: NR's Dream come true?
I'm actually luckier now than I was before as I no longer need long range comms systems just short (PMR) and Medium (slightly tweaked CBs), changes to my Opsec needs and with whom I cooperate mean I don't need to splash out on complicated expensive long range radio gear.

Still LS made a helluva good find that may be handy to the Scots and Welsh longer distance comms needs.

9 March 2014, 16:18,
RE: NR's Dream come true?
Note to Self:

Send set of Confederate Army "wig-wag" signal flags to NR, along with license application! Big Grin
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
9 March 2014, 16:39,
RE: NR's Dream come true?
Suh the south will rise agin ! Smile


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