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Immediate Gratification Syndrome
26 March 2014, 15:31,
Immediate Gratification Syndrome
yep, your read it right, "immediate gratification syndrome" better known as "I want it and I want it NOW"!!Big Grin the human race is wallowing in debt, yet their all skint and as soon as they get laid off they head for the nearest food bank, what has this got to do with prepping I hear you ask?? well at some point not very far into the future the bubble will burst and all these debts have to be repaid, but what happens if they cant repay them? do the banks foreclose on their houses(the ones that own houses that is)? or do they get evicted for non payment of rent(the ones that don't own houses)? people will end up living on the streets and pretty soon they'll be robbing from people just to buy food(probably happening already I know), eventually the economy collapses and with it society, riots, looting, arson, WROL, welcome to the new dark ages.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 March 2014, 16:08,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
Well put BP.

That's exactly what got me started on prepping. And the more I prep, the more I realise it is the right thing to do.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
26 March 2014, 16:13,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
thanks LS, I think its already happening in places like Greece and Spain looks like its heading the same way.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 March 2014, 16:22,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
That was my biggest concern(financial,societal collapse) which led me to starting to prep but since learning a bit more about the fragility of the current status quo i'm equally as concerned with terrorism,epi/pandemic and natural disasters.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
26 March 2014, 16:30,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
prepare for everything then you wont miss anything out!Big Grin most prepping is all encompassing anyway.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
26 March 2014, 19:41,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
(26 March 2014, 16:13)bigpaul Wrote: thanks LS, I think its already happening in places like Greece and Spain looks like its heading the same way.

We all know Greece and Spain are pretty poor anyway. So why not look at somewhere more powerful, let's check out America. The tent cities, the people living in sewers under LA, whole blocks shut down because of foreclosures...etc.

That's a quick image of how things will become.

The question is, will we become more like South Africa, where the financial divide is huge, crime is high, but people still get on with semi-normal lives. Or will it be more like America, where things get crazy at times, and people just plod along and blame everyone else? Amazingly, the foreclosures and poverty have not caused total WROL situations yet. So the pushing limit is pretty high. People are usually very quick to accept defeat and just get on with their 'lower level of existence'. We'll still have a fair old way to go. But if you're concerned about it happening to you, it might be a good idea to start making affordable over-payments to any debts you may have, including your mortgage, if you have any.

The more I look at the financial situation, the more concerned I get. But the more I look at how people have gotten on with their financial plight, the less worried I am of a total collapse.

The real problem occurs when the financial kicking is going on, and another event kicks off, thus uniting those stricken with poverty! That's when things really get dangerous.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
26 March 2014, 21:14,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
Financial Collapse, and the ensuing crimewave is my biggest concern. It's why I got out of the South East.
26 March 2014, 22:26,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
Yes BP I totally agree as will most on here.....its how we hang on to what WE have, that's the rub pal.
27 March 2014, 10:21,
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
Theres plenty of socialists out there SS who believe what is YOURS should become THEIRS

27 March 2014, 10:28, (This post was last modified: 27 March 2014, 10:48 by bigpaul.)
RE: Immediate Gratification Syndrome
there are plenty of sheeple out there who will believe after TSHTF that preppers are" HOARDERS", so we need to take the appropriate measures in making sure they don't get any of it.

(26 March 2014, 19:41)Scythe13 Wrote:
(26 March 2014, 16:13)bigpaul Wrote: thanks LS, I think its already happening in places like Greece and Spain looks like its heading the same way.

We all know Greece and Spain are pretty poor anyway. So why not look at somewhere more powerful, let's check out America. The tent cities, the people living in sewers under LA, whole blocks shut down because of foreclosures...etc.

That's a quick image of how things will become.

The question is, will we become more like South Africa, where the financial divide is huge, crime is high, but people still get on with semi-normal lives. Or will it be more like America, where things get crazy at times, and people just plod along and blame everyone else? Amazingly, the foreclosures and poverty have not caused total WROL situations yet.

yes, just look at Detroit, most of the people have left leaving only the poor, who cannot move, behind.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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