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taking leadership
8 April 2014, 20:55,
taking leadership
ok so recently i was watching uk preppers on youtube and looking through some of the comments when i came across the question ''why do all these guys think they will be leaders when TSHTF?'' or something close to that anyway and it got me wondering, why does it seem that a lot of preppers seem to think that they will be in charge if anything goes wrong.

i mean sure we all plan and for the most part have prep's but does that make you leadership material, would that inspire others to follow your orders especially if they had only just recently joined your group and would it stop a mutany if some of your group thought differently to you?
Winter is coming
8 April 2014, 21:20, (This post was last modified: 8 April 2014, 21:21 by Devonian.)
RE: taking leadership
I think that "most" people who go through the hassle of filming themselves and posting it on youtube generally have a very high opinion of themselves and believe they are God's to humanity - they will soon realise the truth after TSHTF.

Where's the edit button LOL!!

....God's "Gift" to humanity.....
8 April 2014, 21:29, (This post was last modified: 8 April 2014, 21:31 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: taking leadership
Hmm I've never given it any thought TBH, to begin with I don't want to be any part of a commune or group with a rank structure so I've never contemplated the issue of whose in charge.

Within my small network those with the specialist skills take automatic charge when an issue develops, EG Education and Healthcare I instantly accept Mrs NRs authority, Things electronic NR Junior, etc etc.

I would not want to lead a group per se especially of survivalists because if things are getting tough or not going right its almost inevitable the group would turn against the leadership.

I know I have leadership skills the army, ICI and B & Q all decided to give me supervisory responsibility, and I've got leadership qualifications to back up my previous history and experience BUT would I like to lead a group of British preppers ???? Good god NO I could not imagine anything more risky and unrewarding.

As for the folks on DDP and DDPUK I don't think I saw any sign of quality leadership being displayed.


Devonian penned

RE: taking leadership
I think that "most" people who go through the hassle of filming themselves and posting it on youtube generally have a very high opinion of themselves and believe they are God's gift to humanity - they will soon realise the truth after TSHTF.

8 April 2014, 22:25,
RE: taking leadership
The ones who want to be leader are the most worrisome.
8 April 2014, 22:36,
RE: taking leadership
I've been in incidents where I've had to take control of a group usually for safety reasons. Emergency situations call for good decisive leadership decisions. There are many styles of leadership. You dont have to lead from the front or even be 'the leader' It's about how you influence others.
My group of friends include a builder/plumber, an electrician/electronics guy, and a farmer/hunter. Who leads depends on the task at hand and who's skills best fit.
“In the long history of humankind those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed” Charles Darwin
9 April 2014, 07:22,
RE: taking leadership
I am naturally a people watcher/philosopher and amateur psychoanalylist by choice I'd rather take a back seat but my unknowing and unwilling group will need guidance in the beginning...I hope to be deposed in the nicest possible way when one of them rises up and shows ability.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
9 April 2014, 09:04,
RE: taking leadership
post SHTF IF I'm in a group (big IF) and someone thinks they are a "natural" leader or thinks they should lead for this or that reason (talking total strangers here) I'm in the opposite direction.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
9 April 2014, 09:16,
RE: taking leadership
In my experience as a prepper over the years I have often come across people wanting to set up communes or groups with them naturally in charge, I always go the opposite direction.

9 April 2014, 09:42,
RE: taking leadership
I wrote papers on the subject of leadership while at uni. It was truly fascinating to study, and the outcomes were hugely varied. So, if people think that leadership is genetic or taught, or anything inbetween, that's cool. We are all allowed our own opinions. But the academic jury is out on what's going on with leadership.

My view on this question about the DDPUK crew is that many who have taken the initiative to start prepping, are the kind of people who are able to think for themselves. Obviously most of the ones on DDP/UK are already leading a small group. So by definition, they are leaders. However, they are of the perspective that people will come to them with the intention of gaining help, support, and protection. Once again, if they are getting subservient people coming to them, then they will be leaders. To make major preps, you would have to be a semi-strong character, but you would definitely need to be strong willed. Both of which are characteristics people look up to and follow.

The real question, for me at least, is that are these people APPROPRIATE to be leaders?

If I was in a group and by some manner of magic and witch-craft, I was the leader, I would do so to the best of my ability. However, if there was someone else whom I believed was better suited to lead, it would make sense for me to be willing to step aside and let the other person take charge. The real problems occur when there are 2 strong willed characters, and they disagree to the point where they split the group. If that happens, then the group is in real trouble.

In an emergency situation, people in general, turn to a leader to direct actions. Once a course of action is put into play and roles are provided for the group members, that's when the 'team' is able to function best.

The fun question is, WTSHTF, whom would you follow (if anyone) and would you be willing to make decisions that could jepordise the whole group, but could also save them? Would you be able to handle the pressure of the role?

For me...I don't know. I've done the old "leadership course" bollocks at uni and again in a few other roles. The fact of the matter is, learning to kayak, rock climb, and problem solve, does not make you a leader. It makes you a kayaking, rock climbing, problem solver. Leadership comes out when it's needed. The ability to stay calm, think as clearly as possible, deligate jobs and inspire confidence in your abilities to get the group through the situation they are facing, that's what leadership is about. Clearly, these people on DDP/UK believe they can do that.

Whether they can or cannot is another question all together.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
9 April 2014, 09:57, (This post was last modified: 9 April 2014, 10:07 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: taking leadership
when TSHTF I reckon natural leaders will just evolve into the role and those seeking leadership and guidance will follow the natural leader (until things get tough at least)

Those who can, DO, Those who can't, teach or move to London ! Smile


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