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Sweet Potato Yields
15 April 2014, 16:08,
Sweet Potato Yields
I am wanting to start some sweet potatoes and have found a shop that sells the slips but i was curious if anyone else on the site has grown them and can you increase the yields in the same way you can for regular potatoes, where you add soil as the plant grows?

cheers for any help guys
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15 April 2014, 16:24,
RE: Sweet Potato Yields
I've been growing sweet potatoes for 2 years. The yield has been quite small. According to my friend this is what happened to him too but now into year 5 he is getting good production. He thinks the ones bought at the store have been modified to not produce well and it takes a few generations to get rid of that tendency. Sounds plausible.

i havent had to add soil as they grow, just put in good black soil, slightly compacted.

good luck to you, hope you dont have to wait so long. this link may help:
15 April 2014, 16:34,
RE: Sweet Potato Yields
Thanks Rush.
I didn't realise they grew along and not up like regular potatoes. I prefer them to regular spuds because they are better for you as they have more complex carbs
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