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Is the UK becoming isolated?
22 February 2012, 08:41, (This post was last modified: 22 February 2012, 08:42 by uks.)
Is the UK becoming isolated?
With everything happening around the world and us sticking our noses in to everything do you think that we are becoming isolated in the world?.
And should we be sticking our noses in or just let them sort themselfs ou?.
Failure is NOT an option
22 February 2012, 09:44, (This post was last modified: 22 February 2012, 09:50 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
We are not quite as despised globally is the US or Israel, but most other nations just dont like historical facts IE the biggest empire the world ever saw was created by a tiny little Island of English, Scots, Irish and Welsh. The Empire nations dont like the fact that before Britain set up trading and development links most of them with still living in the bronze age or stone age. The Europeans get miffed cos we either defeated, liberated or created their countries.
This tiny island nation of maritime traders created an empire then commonwealth of over 55 nations and its lasted for hundreds of years. The default business language English. Heck even America todays super power only managed to add Peurto Rica or Costa Rica to its empire and the US is already in terminal decline.

Note countries who despise us imperialists the most like India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe etc all embraced and kept the schools, hospital systems, telegraphs etc we introduced to them, they hate us but go out of their way to emulate us.
I wish we were geographically isolated to be honest with zero immigration policy.

22 February 2012, 12:24,
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
"Note countries who despise us imperialists the most like India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe etc all embraced and kept the schools, hospital systems, telegraphs etc we introduced to them, they hate us but go out of their way to emulate us. I wish we were geographically isolated to be honest with zero immigration policy".

Dont we all dont we all, Just seen the report in the mail about how labour let 500,000 imigrants in WITHOUT checking who they were!!!
three cheers for our government hip hip STUPID, hip hip DUMB, hip hip OMFG!!!
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
22 February 2012, 12:26,
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
(22 February 2012, 12:24)mikebratcher69 Wrote: N.R.
"Note countries who despise us imperialists the most like India, Pakistan, Zimbabwe etc all embraced and kept the schools, hospital systems, telegraphs etc we introduced to them, they hate us but go out of their way to emulate us. I wish we were geographically isolated to be honest with zero immigration policy".

Dont we all dont we all, Just seen the report in the mail about how labour let 500,000 imigrants in WITHOUT checking who they were!!!
three cheers for our government hip hip STUPID, hip hip DUMB, hip hip OMFG!!!
i've got no love for Labour, but it has to be said it was the Border Agency who actually let them in.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
22 February 2012, 12:51,
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
I dont think it matters who let them in at the end of the day, how stupid can they get we're in a recession so they let more people in to clain benefits....
"Some say the end is near, some say we will see Armageddon soon...
I certainly hope we will, I sure could use a vacation from this silly shit."
22 February 2012, 12:55,
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
(22 February 2012, 12:51)mikebratcher69 Wrote: I dont think it matters who let them in at the end of the day, how stupid can they get we're in a recession so they let more people in to clain benefits....
you wont get any disagreement on that!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
22 February 2012, 13:09,
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
Think of it this way, we're screwed!

It's not just us sticking our nose in. Loads of countries are doing it. But we only hear about us because that's all our media shows. For example, Iran stopped exports to UK and France. Why France? Because they are sticking their noses in and making demands as well. Both are doing what the US and NATO want.

It's become a situation where we are isolated, via information and media. We hear of ourselves and America, but not much from anywhere else 'on our team' if that makes sense?
22 February 2012, 23:49, (This post was last modified: 22 February 2012, 23:50 by Timelord.)
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
Maybe its just that they fear us and our historical & political clout! We are known around the globe as a physically small but warlike nation of great resolve. Our peoples may not strike at the drop of a farmers hat or over annual economic disagreements. we may not throw our hands in the air and beat our chests with bravado - but it is known and historically proved, that when push comes to shove, it might take a while to get us rolling, but then we just keep on going with no let up or wavering in conviction. Our ancestors proved to be ruthless & effective in the face of staunch opposition. This is a heritage which in modern times is kept supressed in civilian comprehension, but our jealous rivals around the world remember only too well!! They may wish to try & starve or poison the lion, but they deep down fear to invoke it's wrath!
To clarify - we punch far above our weight - not to be underestimated..
23 February 2012, 00:59,
RE: Is the UK becoming isolated?
I hear what Timelord has said a lot on the net. I want to beleive it.

Then I think of this book:

I think a large part of Europe is getting tired of certain issues and there will come a tipping point when we collectively go "You know what.. Im tired of this shit" . One country will do something and all others will follow.

Back to the topic at hand, I like how we used to be "special friends" as the media puts it with America, but under the Obamba administration and the "looking east" crap they talk about it is a bit depressing. I can see why the powers that be want a EU superstate, but Id rather see a lot more co-operation between Bro Nations and less lol.. "riff raff" in the EU.

Yes we are becoming more isolated in my view. Id like to see us out of The EU for the same reason as everyone else, but I can see advantages to being in some sort of Union if only we had better borders and didnt have to obey bullshit laws and faffy shite brussels dictates to us or provide benefits/medical treatment for mr and mrs Foreigner who can now march across the Shengen aggreement borders and set up shop. (and by shop I mean contribute nothing to the system)

Now if you will excuse me I need to go polish my monocle

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