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Come on, admit it!
11 June 2014, 22:54,
Come on, admit it!
You don't really think that having the best, brightest, shiniest big knife is going to save you, do you?

I'm surprised that so much emphasis is put on the latest equipment - be it firepower, camping kit, knives etc. as being the way to survive in a post-S HTF situation.

Somehow, chaps, I can't see this Jungle Jim picture of hiding out in the woods or retreating to a cosy little BOL somewhere as being the best way to survive. As if the population of this country - is it 60 million? - isn't going to spread out to cover the country in search of places to survive and thrive in post-crap conditions. Do you really think that your partners are going to put up with it for long? Think of your wives trying to cope with hungry and frightened kids - and there you would be admiring your latest blade. You would probably get a sharp whack round the head for slacking - get out there and start chopping wood!

Seriously - never mind the vision of camping out in the wild until the situation has calmed down - it might work in the US where the wilderness spaces are huge (ask Jonas or MB) and you really can get lost - how do you think you are going to best survive long term? Do you really and honestly see yourself as loping off into the wilderness of downtown Wales or wherever, or in your heart of hearts is it going to be a time to hunker down in your own home and tough it out. Do you have friends and community to support you, and in turn for you to support? Do you have a real plan?
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
12 June 2014, 02:07,
RE: Come on, admit it!
I think a bug in scenario is the most likely outcome of an event , and I do feel that bugging out is an absolute last resort say for instance your bug in has burnt down or there is rampant disease spreading through your area or the level of anarchy is to much but other than that I see bugging in as the most likely....I don't have an especially swish knife and all my bug out gear gets used for bike rallies and extreme winter camping so I am a kit junkie cos anyfool can be miserable and uncomfortable but my stuff gets used, I don't see running away to the countryside to live like grizzly adams as a long term viable option , and if you did have to bug out then securing a new substantial bug in/out building would be one of my very highest priorities.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
12 June 2014, 06:34,
RE: Come on, admit it!
SHTF means bugging IN to most people, its where we live, its where most if not all of our supplies are and its the area we know best. bugging OUT is an action of last resort, in case of fire, flood or other catastrophy. my BOL is an old abandoned farm cottage, only 8 miles from here but out" in the middle of nowhere" to most people, I have never thought (contrary to what some people think) that bugging out to the woods is a viable option, most people will have perished long before spring arrives even in the mild South West-we can have harsh winters too.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 June 2014, 06:36,
RE: Come on, admit it!
For me bugging out is a last resort, too many dependants, but something I'm quite prepared to do, both from an equipment and knowledge point of view and I've a number of BOL that I could run to if the need arises. I don't have any fixed plans for any particular situations rather try to develop knowledge and experience to be able to respond and adapt to whatever comes along, preparedness for me is developing a community group of like minded people, who hopefully in a shtf situation are more likely to come together and help each other.
12 June 2014, 06:58,
RE: Come on, admit it!
As a trial, Mrs LS and I are permanently living at the BOL this year.

So far, the result is 100% better than expected. To such an extent that we are rapidly coming to the view that the BOL is our main home and that our flat near the city is just where we Bug Out for work!

Only shiny new blade around here is the newly re-commissioned scythe.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
12 June 2014, 12:19,
RE: Come on, admit it!
elmer fudd can cos he hunts wabbits and wild peas...Tongue
Survive the jive (youtube )
12 June 2014, 17:47,
RE: Come on, admit it!
Quote:Come on, admit it!
You don't really think that having the best, brightest, shiniest big knife is going to save you, do you?

Neither will a 12 ga pump shotgun with plenty of 00 buckshot shells, but it'll do a better job of saving me than the knife will!
If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
12 June 2014, 17:57,
RE: Come on, admit it!
oh JP, you yanks and your flipping guns, you think that's the answer to everything.Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 June 2014, 19:54,
RE: Come on, admit it!
Given the choice between my seed collection and shotgun, I'll choose the seeds, but if you can have both........why not ?
13 June 2014, 06:25,
RE: Come on, admit it!
both barrels you mean Big Grin
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.

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