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The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
11 August 2014, 19:13,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
(11 August 2014, 18:18)Sunna Wrote: what will happen when this cash is all spent.


The British government has stopped collecting taxes on incomes, value added, customs and import duties?

Same old-same old.

SHTF could not possibly be more than 5 minutes away three years ago and here we are, three years down the road, discussing the same crap that was being bantered around in 1975.

The collection of people here are not the ones to ask, since preppers are pessimists by nature. The number of upwardly mobile middle class registered on this forum can be counted on less than all the fingers on one hand.

Look at your national figures on the living standard of the nation and see if you are in decline as a people on the whole, not just the ones that lost their jobs, refused to pawn their computer and began contemplating the end of the world.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
12 August 2014, 10:16,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
its getting bad for the working man ,woman on the street ,for the rich its getting better ,its the working class that get hit the most ,what do you think was going to happen with the tory rich boys in power ,you think they give a s@#t about the working class
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
12 August 2014, 10:30,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
trouble is at the next election the tories will be out and we'll get Millibands lot back in and you know what happened last time they nearly bankrupted the country.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 August 2014, 10:31, (This post was last modified: 12 August 2014, 10:35 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
Barney LABOUR wants to increase NI another 1% on the working class and LABOUR are considering 25% VAT

As for punishing the working classes who was it who stole our Mortgage Tax Relief, Scrapped our Married persons tax relief, doubled council tax, doubled the cost of fuel and raided our pension schemes, Yup it was Labour and they pissed the lot away.

The economy and society is screwed we face a constant round of ever higher taxes and declining public services, more and more parasites wanting to live of benefits topped off by at least 5 million asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. Until we FORCE people to take responsibility for themselves it will never get better.

12 August 2014, 14:06,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
(12 August 2014, 10:16)Barneyboy Wrote: its getting bad for the working man ,woman on the street ,for the rich its getting better ,its the working class that get hit the most ,what do you think was going to happen with the tory rich boys in power ,you think they give a s@#t about the working class

What you need to think about is how bad things could have got if the austerity measures had not been implemented, or had not been implemented as severely. I think then the entire country would have been crippled and widespread civil unrest and rioting would have resulted.

The one thing that is still lurking around though is that of interest rates.......

Those with mortgages have never had it so easy, but that is going to change over the next few years as interest rates have to go back up again, so then you have to ask how many people are there, with large mortgages, that they are already struggling to keep up with their payments?

Are we going to see increased numbers of people being made homeless and empty properties on our streets?
12 August 2014, 15:28,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
isd has the right idea blame the unemployed for immergration...Rolleyes

what a wa***r , i blame big employers who want cheap labour.

but its not about that its about MORE CUTS more food banks , more child poverty.
yesterday one tory minister jacked it in , couldent get by on £125.000 a yr with a family , just how out of tutch are these muppets.
Survive the jive (youtube )
12 August 2014, 16:50,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
nearly £120K in salary and expenses + his wife gets £25K as his office manager and still they cant manage? my heart bleeds for them, many people would just love to earn that kind of money but cant, what planet is he on??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
12 August 2014, 17:51, (This post was last modified: 12 August 2014, 17:52 by Devonian.)
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
Sunna - this has nothing to do with Big Employers, all employers want cheap labour and always will, it has nothing to do with Government, its simple market forces.

But this is straying into politics, so lets keep it on topic....
12 August 2014, 20:02,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
(12 August 2014, 10:31)NorthernRaider Wrote: Barney LABOUR wants to increase NI another 1% on the working class and LABOUR are considering 25% VAT

As for punishing the working classes who was it who stole our Mortgage Tax Relief, Scrapped our Married persons tax relief, doubled council tax, doubled the cost of fuel and raided our pension schemes, Yup it was Labour and they pissed the lot away.

The economy and society is screwed we face a constant round of ever higher taxes and declining public services, more and more parasites wanting to live of benefits topped off by at least 5 million asylum seekers and illegal immigrants. Until we FORCE people to take responsibility for themselves it will never get better.

Whilst I hate to let inconvenient facts spoil a good frothing rant, let's look at some of those claims.

Mortgage Tax Relief - introduced by Roy Jenkins ( Labour ) to promote house ownership removed by Gordon Brown ( Labour ) when the housing market was getting out of control ( it was fuelling house price inflation by using taxpayers money to pay for excessive mortgages, we know where that lead to).
Married Persons Tax Relief - still exists although under Tory management it now benefits couples earning £150k +. Fuel prices - remember the Fuel Price Escalator ? It was introduced in 1993 by the Tories and scrapped in 2000 by Labour. It's also affected by VAT. Conservative Chancellor Geoffrey Howe increased the standard rate of VAT from 8% to 15%, the rate remained unchanged until 1991, when Conservative Chancellor Norman Lamont increased it from 15% to 17.5%, Conservative Chancellor George Osborne announced that the standard rate of VAT would increase from 17.5% to 20% with effect from 4 January 2011. We agree about Gordon Brown raping the pension funds though, he was a dickhead. Re: Council tax - 8 of the 10 highest rising council tax areas between 1997-2010 were controlled by Tories, the highest rose by over 500%.
13 August 2014, 08:43,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
Steve I have not got time to tear your post to pieces but lets say your looking at things with a slight bias ( as do I). Labour has repeatedly destroyed the economy with its tax and spend policies, spending far more than it steals in taxation, The tories COMPOUND the issue by primarily focusing on corporate wealth not the greater good. All three of the parties are making the nation worse because none are willing to address the huge imbalances and injustices in our system and in conjunction with each other they are destroying the UK. Add the UK's mess to the rest of Europe and you have an disaster in waiting, couple that with America living way beyond its means and we are all in for a big fall.

I do not see a way out of this, we NEED to live within our means but that is simply impossible, How can you have a welfare system that has one guy paying in £10 a week in 1960 taking out £150 a week in 2014, living in subsidised public housing, costing £900 a night in a hospital bed, using various public services costs hundreds a week etc. That is without the millions of parasites living off welfare who have never paid anything in to the system. The same system that big business can find ways to only pay £10 million tax on a turnover of billions like Amazon. To start to prevent the forthcoming collapse we need to do three things if its not to late
1 Get in ALL of the taxes we are owed especially from the mega corps and tax avoiders / dodgy trust users.
2 Only provide welfare for a limited period of time and ONLY to those who have paid in to the system
3 Stop all foreign aid / EU funds and support to none Brit nationals.

Then just maybe we can prevent the collapse but that is only for the UK.


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