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The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
13 August 2014, 08:55,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
we seem to have wandered into politics, as none of us are politicians there isn't much we can do about this, all we can do is prepare and plan for the inevitable collapse.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 August 2014, 08:57, (This post was last modified: 13 August 2014, 08:59 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
I was just pondering this issue further and it dawned on me that the general public at large are screwed and collapse is nigh on inevitable.
Both sides of the political divide are immoral, corrupt, rotten to the core, degenerate and totally self servng. Tories and their wealthy influential Labour and its Marxist parasites, Spose I better include the Liberals who would happily give away all of your wealth and liberties to the EUSSR. Across the Pond the difference tween the Republicans and Democrats is negligible both again are totally self serving and corrupt.
Same story in Europe and Russia.

What is going on its both sides are sucking the life out of their economies for their own SIGS and the general population are paying the price. The decline I think will continue until its been sucked dry by which time the rich, powerful, influential will have all moved into safe, secure, well guarded communities where they will be insulated for the mess they created.

In this case its not us going off topic and arguing party politics, its all of us realising its politics that is the threat we face and I think most of us on the forums are now realising there is nothing we can do about the politics, all we can do is to prep like mad to try and protect our families from the mess the politics have created.

13 August 2014, 17:06,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
sucked dry.... SUCKED DRY YOU SAY...!!!

Survive the jive (youtube )
13 August 2014, 20:31, (This post was last modified: 13 August 2014, 20:42 by Barneyboy.)
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
i think the prob is ,some of the people has been brain washed by the uk is best ,we a not any more ,its not the poor or the immigrants that did it ,it was the bankers and the very very rich and powerful. not bloody labour NR .IT IS A WORLD PROBLEM NOT JUST THE UK

what worrys me is ,the dept that the uk has will never be paid off ,but the PTB like us all to argue with each so keep us apart ,divide and conquer ,and no I don't think labour will save us all ,I just think they are the lesser of three evils ,for the working man
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
13 August 2014, 21:03,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]

Dead right on that Barney, the US is trillions in debt, Europe is bankrupt, The UK is the same, China owns much of the world and the unbalanced distribution of wealth is getting much worse.

Trouble is Barney I don't think anyone knows how to sort out the mess, or are to afraid to do anything that would help, so like Lemmings we wil continue to run towards the cliff edge.

SOME people can see what is over the horizon, that includes many preppers, we cannot do anything to stop what is happening but we can try and insulate ourselves from its effects.

13 August 2014, 21:14,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
(13 August 2014, 08:57)NorthernRaider Wrote: What is going on its both sides are sucking the life out of their economies for their own SIGS and the general population are paying the price. The decline I think will continue until its been sucked dry by which time the rich, powerful, influential will have all moved into safe, secure, well guarded communities where they will be insulated for the mess they created.

In this case its not us going off topic and arguing party politics, its all of us realising its politics that is the threat we face and I think most of us on the forums are now realising there is nothing we can do about the politics, all we can do is to prep like mad to try and protect our families from the mess the politics have created.

NR, spot on. There are very few politicians who genuinely want to help the British "man in the street", most are intent on stuffing the pockets of their peers or pursuing some impractical ideological nonsense.

IMHO the biggest threat we face is from our own leaders, both sides have been trashing the economy for decades, we simply cannot afford to look after our old people or run a national health service.

I'm in my early fifties, I know there will be no state pension for me. I think that life will get a lot harder for most people and my prepping is focused on being able to provide a lower, but sufficient, standard of living for my family. I know that the Govt will steal much of my produce, but I would rather be the man producing the food and having it confiscated than the man waiting for a corrupt system to hand it out.
13 August 2014, 21:42,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
I think / believe the only people who can help us are our own fellow preppers and survivalists, sharing info, news, intel, cooperation, forming and developing local links with other preppers etc. This forum has been fairly successful in many cases in helping a Scotish group get established and a similar one on the West country. And the trend for closed E mail groups of like minded folks appears also to be gaining a bit of ground. Using good forums to reach out to others of a similar mind set and level of commitment as yourselves has to be beneficial I think ? Providing you don't blow your OPSEC or attract loons, wannabes etc.

We an learn from each other and from other sub cultures like off gridders, smallholders, bushcrafters and the more we learn the better our chances of survival are.

14 August 2014, 07:29,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
I have to conclude that no system is perfect.
The current set up is all about 'business' and Mr. Greed is the M.D..
As far as us 'commoners' are concerned, our top man was educated at Eton and his most likely successor was also educated at Eton if you want to believe what some of the papers' are publishing.
Personally I will just keep on the straight and narrow, keeping a low profile and doing what I think is best for me and mine. If I should meet up with like minded folks then co-operation will kick in rather than confrontation.
It has been said that the 'boomer generation' (and I appear to be a member) have had things all their own spoiled way. If you choose to believe that then I firmly believe you will believe virtually anything. What my other half and I have achieved over the years has been done by sheer honest hard graft and living within our means and being as self sufficient as we can be. We will continue in that vein.
Pleasing to see that this thread has sprung back into life - I would guess that this is what the forum is really for anyway - gives us the chance to ponder on what has actually happened and comment on it all.
Yes - living standards have definitely deteriorated as indeed have attitude standards, sadly. By that I mean that I observe that the 'younger generation' seem to very aggressive and angry and confrontational.
Each to their own.
14 August 2014, 10:47,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
(14 August 2014, 07:29)iaaems Wrote: indeed have attitude standards, sadly. By that I mean that I observe that the 'younger generation' seem to very aggressive and angry and confrontational.

Spot on, this is the biggest change I have noticed and it applies equally to small towns as it does to big cities.
14 August 2014, 10:51,
RE: The threat is [a long slow deterioration in living standards]
They arrested three of NR Juniors former school colleagues in this quiet village yesterday, dunno why but the beat PCSO said when they searched the lads it was like the tool dept from B & Q, screwdrivers, Stanley knifes, metal bars, chain etc.


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