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I Despair..
16 September 2014, 19:51,
I Despair..
I am going to give up trying to persuade people to think ahead. We had a minor power outtage today. It was only 3 hours and the electricity company had pre-warned us of the time and length of the powercut well in advance by a nice friendly letter.

Power duly went off at the appointed time. Guess what! People were still wandering around bemoaning the loss of coffee-making facilities! I had prewarned my neighbours that there was an outtage due, and they still hadn't got their act together.

I give up!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
16 September 2014, 20:26,
RE: I Despair..
I don't bother communicating with my neighbours any longer, in fact I wish I didn't have any!

Just keep doing what you are doing and leave the rest of them to it.
17 September 2014, 08:30,
RE: I Despair..
I'm afraid sheeple will always be sheeple, they will always be with us, its probably a fault of the welfare state and the "cradle to grave" mentality, it dosent give any one the idea that it might just be a good idea to think for themselves, my parents (WW2 generation) always had a stocked cupboard but in these days of the supermarket in every town no one bothers anymore. even out here in a small rural town we are the only ones with a stocked "pantry", everyone else runs to the local Co-op "supermarket" which is about an 8 minute walk away.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
17 September 2014, 09:01,
RE: I Despair..
I agree with all three posts, its a pointless and usually futile exercise trying to make the fools think for themselves , I tried to help my neighbours during power cuts when we first moved into this street some ten years ago, the area had long suffered poor power supply issues and power cuts were frequent and often lasted half a day. When it first happened I used my gear to provide hot water and candles and light sticks to probably 6 or 7 homes. I did this two or three times over a year or two. Then one night the power went off and before I could sort anything two neighbours were at the front door ASKING for candles and light sticks !!! Instead of leaning to prep and take responsibility for themselves they acted like typical welfare dependent socialist types and expected someone else to look after them. I stopped helping them after that, its sad because I LIKE to help people, but only people who are willing to help and learn for themselves.

17 September 2014, 09:14,
RE: I Despair..
I'm the same with tools, people were always coming to me to borrow this or that, I got annoyed when they broke or bent something and didn't offer to replace it, I've moved a couple of times since then so I have left those people behind, I don't lend to anyone now.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
17 September 2014, 18:39,
RE: I Despair..
Mary, it really seems like you have some crap neighbours! If it was me, I'd bred up my coffee 10 minutes before the scheduled black out. Even if I didn't want any, because in 3 hour's time...I'm going to want coffee haha. Some people are just too thick to help. Take notes of all the people who've 'suffered' at the power-out. Those are the people you'll need to avoid the most WTSHTF. For the simple reason that in a scheduled MICRO-event, they were incompetent, they'll obviously be 10 times worse in a real event. Take notes, take names, take numbers, and start avoiding any prep-related conversations with those people.

What time of day was the power-cut scheduled for?

Interestingly enough, BP has been harping on about power-outages for quite a while now. This winter and next winter things will really be interesting if all the articles and news reports he posts are accurate/right.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
17 September 2014, 19:48,
RE: I Despair..
Scythe, I don't think my neighbours are particularly bad; actually they are pleasant people. They just don't seem to grasp situations. I'm happy to help them if I can, but I have this niggling feeling that they really are going to be a liability if we have a SHTF situation. Incidentally, the power outtage was scheduled between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. coffeetime/lunchtime. It couldn't have been worse timing really.

Yes, I've heard the warnings about potential winter power outtages as well. Mind, I'm now ready for anything the power companies can throw at us. Bring it on!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
18 September 2014, 08:17,
RE: I Despair..
I think Scythe is right, if people cant even be prepared for a scheduled power cut they are going to be completely useless in the big one.make a note of the worst offenders, those that complain the loudest, those are the ones to avoid WTSHTF.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
18 September 2014, 09:44,
RE: I Despair..
Last time we had a SCHEDULED power cut my missus filled two of those 3 litre flask thingys with pump action mechanisms that dispense the hot water without having to open the flask thus keeping the heat in longer, IIRC she said it was still warm enough to make a chocolate drink over 24 hours later, apparently these pump action doofahs keep the heat in better than conventional flasks.

18 September 2014, 14:43,
RE: I Despair..
iv talked to folk about prepping , most smile listen but dont take it in.
its rep is bad , beardy men nutters living in the outback, dont even try leave them to it.

my preps give me an edge , if everybodys got an edge ,its not an edge.
Survive the jive (youtube )

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