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Another War looming?
26 September 2014, 20:12,
Another War looming?
O.K., so it looks like we are off to bomb things in Iraq again, and it will probably stretch to Syrian targets as well. I am sure there will be repercussions in this country - all those delightful little jihadists coming back to wreak havoc in communities here.

Well, I don't know about you lot, but I think this is cranking up to be a real problem. I can't say I would be surprised; I think a religious "war" in this country is becoming a real possibility, and with the increase in religious fanatacism on behalf of the Muslims and their "religion of peace" (my arse!), I can see a response coming strongly from the very ticked-off locals. We are already taking bets on how long it would be before the local Islamic Centre gets trashed should there be another Muslim-fuelled atrocity.

I'm finding this quite stressful, and I'm also very angry. I did consider myself quite a laid-back sort of person; you know, live and let live, but that is changing fast. This is not an area where we see many ethnic minorities on the ground, but I find myself looking carefully at those who do venture out onto the streets, and I know others are doing the same.

This is not the problem that I envisaged prepping for - I was leaning more towards social breakdown due to global financial problems - and to be honest, I'm not sure how to deal with it. Are any of you guys having the same thoughts??
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
27 September 2014, 08:35,
RE: Another War looming?
I was leaning more towards social breakdown due to global financial problems - and to be honest, I'm not sure how to deal with it. Are any of you guys having the same thoughts??

Vote UKIP , you know it makes sense Smile

27 September 2014, 10:24,
RE: Another War looming?
I think your both right, after all it was 9/11 and 7/7 that turned me into a serious prepper/survivalist rather than just having a well stocked larder, I'm wondering what will happen when all these little jihadists come back from Syria to places like Birmingham, Bradford and Tower Hamlets? Societal unrest and then societal collapse have always been high on my list.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
27 September 2014, 18:26,
RE: Another War looming?
its already here.

brum in the late 80s local black youth targeted asain women because they where alot of gold that almost pure stuff.
asains fought back and now out number blacks , the two sides are always fighting/stabbing each other police / press keep quiet about it , its not counted as a race crime only whites can do that.

this could start something bigger .
Survive the jive (youtube )
27 September 2014, 18:36, (This post was last modified: 27 September 2014, 18:38 by Spandex228.)
RE: Another War looming?
I know what you are all saying, I'm surprised our jihadist friends have not pulled off, any more spectaculars but it's just a matter of time I can guarantee you

Completely agree !
27 September 2014, 20:02,
RE: Another War looming?
Anyone with sufficient knowledge can create havoc in an urban area, therefor there are only a few reasons why they are not presently doing so;

1. they do not want too

2. they are doing stupid things and getting caught

3. they are being paid not too

I feel that most of the "training" these people are getting is political/religious indoctrination and not actual combat, tactical or ordinance training. It they were trained to the level of their constant mouthing off there would be blood flowing in the streets of every major city in the world just due to very efficient "lone wolf" exploits by well trained combatants.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
27 September 2014, 22:55,
RE: Another War looming?
Mortblanc has a point.

If the jihadists were as numerous and fanatical as we are led to believe then we would be in very deep doodoo. A single fanatic could cause incredible disruption with very little risk of being stopped.

So, either they are all very stupid or they don't exist.
28 September 2014, 10:51,
RE: Another War looming?
so more agro in oil rich iraq , no bombing in africa where they took all those school girls , shot and killed many in that supermarket [mall] .

strange that...Dodgy
Survive the jive (youtube )
28 September 2014, 12:34,
RE: Another War looming?
I guess it depends how many of the "jihadists" are actually serious and how many are just loudmouths on the internet?

I see that many western countries are cancelling the passports of potential extremists so they can't get to Syria or Iraq. Dunno why they don't wait till they leave the country and then cancel them, meaning they can't get back in, and therefore have to stay in the hellholes they have decided to go to, and not come back and cause trouble?
28 September 2014, 13:26,
RE: Another War looming?
My gut feeling on this is that most of the US/European type Jihadi's see it as their duty or calling to go and fight and help their Brothers.

BUT.... the vast majority (that survive) will simply want to (eventually) come home to their families; friends; western lifestyles; 'benefits'; and safe/secure environments. In the same way as we do not want to live in fear, nor do they.

Ultimately if they wanted to fight and disrupt the 'establishment' here in the UK or in France or in the States, then why go to Syria in the first place, why not stay here and simply carry out attacks on UK soil?? OK, they may go out there and get training and become more radicalised, but I think when they come back to their family and friends etc they may put a lot of that behind them.

Now I am not saying that there will not be people coming back having been trained to carry out such attacks, but I think that the numbers involved will be a lot lot less than those being quoted by TPTB.

The bigger risk to me, is actually the non-UK Nationals who have been tasked with carrying out specific attacks on UK soil. These groups have no compassion towards the UK and will have a single minded task mentality in carrying out their attack or attacks to the maximum potential before getting out of the UK as quick as they can.

So to me the risk is small, any targets will almost certainly be in the big cities or major transport terminals, in fact there has already been a suggestion that the Paris and NY metros are a current target.

Of course the impacts of any such attacks will affect the whole country, but I do not see it leading to any kind of widespread war within the UK itself.

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