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comming your way soon
9 November 2014, 12:51,
comming your way soon
forced to work for free

for 6 months .

were all in it together...[bullsh*t]
Survive the jive (youtube )
9 November 2014, 13:11, (This post was last modified: 9 November 2014, 13:13 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: comming your way soon
UNFUCKING believable ...................i wonder what policy UKIP has on this ? we only need their stance really the rest of the shower of shit need not answer or reply

fuck i think i have become radicalised by NR lol
9 November 2014, 13:43,
RE: comming your way soon
Please take the time to visit the UKIP website yourself and read the policies UKIP has for yourself my friend, unlike the big three parties they encourage people to read and think for themselves and make their own mind up and choices. They don't try to BS or brainwash people the way the others do with lies, half truths, properganda and BS. No one in UKIP will hassle you either they only want people to think for themselves and not follow what Trade Unions or Brussels TELL them to think Smile

9 November 2014, 14:00,
RE: comming your way soon
if the government , keep attacking the unemployed like this I can only see problems like riots ect.
playing with the numbers , 0 hrs contracts and general smoke and mirriors over unemployment.

how about training our young to be nurses , doctors , bricklayers , plumbers , so we don't just import our cheap labour from overseas.

oh but that costs money .

the only people who profit from overseas cheap labour is the boss man.
the only people who lose out with cheap overseas labour is the white whrking class. folk waiting for hospitals/doctors a council house and school places.

least we forget , all those who died so polish ,African ,and aisians can work , clame dole get a home .
Survive the jive (youtube )
9 November 2014, 14:06, (This post was last modified: 9 November 2014, 14:06 by Barneyboy.)
RE: comming your way soon
that makes far to much sense sunna ,they cant be seen to help the plebs
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
9 November 2014, 15:15, (This post was last modified: 9 November 2014, 15:40 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: comming your way soon
"the only people who profit from overseas cheap labour is the boss man."

Really, thats amazing so please tell me how does the Trade Unions opening offices in countries across the Baltic states to try and recruit workers to come to the UK to take British workers jobs? or even better please enlighten me as to the reason why LABOUR actively sent out teams of people to other countries to encourage other people to migrate to the UK again taking OUR jobs.

FYI the government spends HUNDREDS of millions of pounds each and every year running NHS TEACHING HOSPITALS training Doctors and nurses. Indeed my wife has 12 Student nurses under her tutorage at this time.

Oh yes and lets not forget that it was good old LABOUR the party of the working class under whose AGENDA FOR CHANGE saw newly qualified BRITISH nurses put onto the dole as soon as they qualified during BLAIRS time in office. the SAME Labour government five years later that went to India and the Fillipines to recruit foreign nurses instead of training British nurses.

Gentlemen LABOUR and the UNIONS are every bit as rotten corrupt and immoral as the worst of the Tories and Capitalists twats like those running Amazon etc.

Ah yes lets RIOT to protest this involves a few million Werkers, Students, Militants, Unemployed, Under worked council werkers and minor celebrities who will duly proceed to London and other cities where upon they will smash up shops, cafes, small businesses putting other under paid workers on the dole, then burn buses, smash up other ordinary working class peoples cars, vandalism public leisure facilities that the poor ordinary public have fought for years to get out of the council. In a good socialist riot they can then go into a tower office block due to be refurbished into low cost apartments for needy youngsters and when they get to the roof top having trashed the refurbishment work alrteasy done they can have great pleasure in thowing debris and rubble onto other poor working class people like the police, rally marshalls, medics and council staff trying to maintain order.

Meanwhile in their secure offices and gated communities the rich capitalist swine enjoy the fun and games on tv with their champagne socialist chums.

Here is one of those nasty greedy rich bosses we all love to hate I'm sure he is going to give some of his 31 homes and much of his money to his fellow needy socialists Smile

What we need is more GOOD REAL SOCIALIST to stop these rich money grubbers, boses, land owners from fiddling the system like this guy ........ Oh Erm ah errr Barney ?

THIS COUNTRY NEEDS A COMPLETE CHANGE ON HOW AND THE WAY WE ARE GOVERNED, we ignore the unions that betray us, we condemn the bankers whose skills create the profits that increase our pension pots, the parties of the left and rich that are supposed to REPRESENT US, do not they represent SIGS like marrxist trade unionists, European state federalists, mega and vocal extremists.

From the end of the second world war ALL of the mainstream parties have completely, totally and utterly FAILED us the people, far from the "Land Fit For Heros" all we have got is high taxes, galloping crime, loss of freedoms, economic failure, mass immigration and HUNDREDS and hundreds of incidents of corrupt politicians, big business and unions. The system is FUCKED that's the only suitable phrase I'm sorry to say.

I personally do not know if UKIP or the Greens or Indies can do any better, but friends they damn well simply cannot do any WORSE.

9 November 2014, 15:45,
RE: comming your way soon
yes time for change..........bullshit free change would be most expectable.
9 November 2014, 16:07,
RE: comming your way soon
Amen to that Brother Smile look whether THEY call you Pleb or Komrade, Sir or Staff, Brother or Shirker, they have ALL spent 70 years shafting us every which way possible. God knows what the answer is but more of the same crap is definitely not it.

Labour FAILED, the UNIONS failed even more, The Tories failed in style, The Lib Dems failed pathetically, Our Banking system failed and our Economy failed the most needy.

What DID work was the Champagne socialists and trade union leaders got rich of the workers directly, the Mega Capitalists and bankers got rich of the workers indirectly, the buses, train and planes bringing 4 million people to take OUR jobs worked fine, as does the system that give £14 billion a year to the EU and £12 billion in foreign aid to prop up rich despots.

We NEED Change not more of the same.

10 November 2014, 06:59,
RE: comming your way soon
its the modern equivalent to the work house! the Tory party have managed to take us back to a Dickensian Britain!
Ready for Anything
10 November 2014, 09:16, (This post was last modified: 10 November 2014, 09:17 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: comming your way soon

RE: comming your way soon
""its the modern equivalent to the work house! the Tory party have managed to take us back to a Dickensian Britain! ""

Shut up and work harder millions of Labour voters on benefits are waiting on your taxes Smile

""" the Tory party have managed to take us back to a Dickensian Britain! """

Agreed but it was Labour that created the mess that forced the tories down that route and the Lib Dems who blocked every effort to get us out of the mess.


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