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milibands appeal
15 November 2014, 18:14, (This post was last modified: 15 November 2014, 18:24 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: milibands appeal
Spandex228 Offline
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RE: milibands appeal
Correct me if I'm wrong if the UK leaves the EU will there be a price to pay financially, and we will then be worse off financially, I think it really is a case of when a collapse comes not if, just look at the country the problems with the M25 yesterday half the country bumper to bumper for the best part of the day, then there's everything else !

Yes you are wrong, just to be a member of the EU costs the UK over £50 million pounds a day over £12 billion a year. That is paid to the EU fund and shared out among the member nations various aid schemes and to fund the TWO parliament and 7 burocracys the EU consists of. Leave the EU and on day one we are £50 million a DAY better off IE One new hospital a day better off OR £50million a day MORE to spend on the M25.

Now look at this from another angle, Germany, France , Spain, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Denmark etc etc all SELL to the UK market BILLIONS OF POUNDS OF CARS< FRIGES< FOOD< GOODS AND SRVICES each year. They sell far more to us than we sell to them. Do you HONESTLY imagine for one second BMW, MERCEDES< BOSCHE, RENAULT< PERGEOT, FIAT, etc etc etc are going to stop selling cars and goods to the UK. NO of course not. We will like Switzerland, Norway, Finnland etc still trade with them but we WONT be governed by them.

OR from another point of view up to 1974 the UK traded freely across the world and especially with the commonwealth nations, within weeks of joining the EU were were told we could no longer buy cheap pork, lamb, wine, cheese, wool, coal, fruit, etc from the commonwealth we had to buy from EU nations and THEIR colonies, and prices went up fast. Today we have to get pemission to buy from outside the EU AND we are not allowed to negotiate our OWN trade deals, only the EU can negotiate trade deals AND the UK is not allowed a member on the EUs trade deals committee.

15 November 2014, 18:48,
RE: milibands appeal
Ok NR and BP I was completely unaware that the figures were anywhere as high as that !
15 November 2014, 19:43, (This post was last modified: 15 November 2014, 20:01 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: milibands appeal
FYI theres quite a bit of PRO EU stuff out there that says the UK gets more back than it pays in but it does not include any costs such as Healthcare, Housing, Crime Fighting, Pensions, Welfare payments etc.

Spandy, you are aware of course the EU wants all of the EU members armies put under THEIR total control and NOT the sovereign nations that's why they have created EU Defence ministers etc.

14 February 2015, 17:09,
RE: milibands appeal
my hgv lessons were payed for buy the European social fund , that has helped me more than anything else in my work life.
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