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its closer than we think
30 November 2014, 15:12,
its closer than we think
we have all seen the arnie movies , ill be back and all that , but very clever robots are not sifi no more , in arnies movies the computers start to make their own minds up , could this happen to us .

read and think ...?
Survive the jive (youtube )
1 December 2014, 11:13,
RE: its closer than we think
The moment machines "realise" they are more intelligent than Humans we are screwed, they control everything already! imagine if they knew they did?
1 December 2014, 11:48,
RE: its closer than we think
I was watching something on the history channel last night about mapping the universe and there was a super computer there that does the work of seven mathematical professors working 24hrs a day seven days a week for 300 years and the computer does the same equations in one second now just think about that guys as TTH says if they do become aware we are properly fucked!
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
1 December 2014, 14:02,
RE: its closer than we think
Hells Bells an abacus is brighter than some dopey buggers in our society, I've seen a woman trying to argue with an automated phone message and a guy yelling obscenities at a cash point machine........................ Mind you I'm suspicious of the TV remote control in our house it can move by itself.

1 December 2014, 15:05,
RE: its closer than we think
(1 December 2014, 14:02)NorthernRaider Wrote: Hells Bells an abacus is brighter than some dopey buggers in our society, I've seen a woman trying to argue with an automated phone message and a guy yelling obscenities at a cash point machine........................ Mind you I'm suspicious of the TV remote control in our house it can move by itself.

Oh how true that is

And I notice that the TV producers at E4 have also noticed this and there is a new hidden camera TV show starting up which is exploiting these people for our entertainment:
1 December 2014, 18:00,
RE: its closer than we think
driverless , cars , lorrys , aircraft are now fact not sifi , no drink driving , no speeding , no falling asleep at the wheel , no road rage.

whats not to like , unless your a lorry driver like me...

brainy robots will replace us in the work place in time , no strikes , no unions , no work hours limits , whats not to like , if your a boss.
Survive the jive (youtube )
1 December 2014, 19:54,
RE: its closer than we think
Automated public transport scares the shit out of me, as it is even now public transport is Dirty, Very unreliable, Expensive, Unhygienic , and a magnet for criminals and terrorists.

2 December 2014, 12:29,
RE: its closer than we think
Public transport, not on your Nelly!!! full of horrible proles with God knows what diseases talking endless shit about fkall on their mobile phones.
2 December 2014, 12:34,
RE: its closer than we think
(2 December 2014, 12:29)Tartar Horde Wrote: Public transport, not on your Nelly!!! full of horrible proles with God knows what diseases talking endless shit about fkall on their mobile phones.

I haven't travelled on public transport since I saw the flu advert-the one where the guy sneezes and the germs go shooting down the bus...yuck!!! too many germs and diseases on public transport, if I cant drive somewhere in my own vehicle I don't go there!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
2 December 2014, 13:17,
RE: its closer than we think
I read in the papers a few years ago a report where some ologists swabbed the seats and hand rails on a few buses, trams and commuter trains, they found horrible germs, faeces, semen, cocaine, nicotine, urine, blood, etc That's when I decided to minimise my contact with Barneys wonderful proletariat Smile


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