25 April 2015, 00:13,
Funny thing happened on tuesday
Abergavenny Market Tuesday.......i pull in to the car park...park up...go to the pay metre... type in my reg number of truck...pay the one pound......drops straight through...a different one pound piece ...drops straight through...by this time the people with gathering behind me....so i bugger off to the other metre...this was out of order....i return and get in line...all were complaining ....this young girl says " its fine if you use 50,s 20,s 10,s" ....by this time i was pissed right off...the guy in front pronounces " I am voting UKIP.....all this typing in of the reg number is just to stop you passing your ticket...if you have time left ...to someone else...look how long its taking ...one bastard machine out of three works....its f..king ridiculous " UKIP.... ME to ! i said....got my ticket and off to the market we went....UKIP kept coming up in about nine separate conversations as we walked around the market.....by others...not us... the main thrust of all these conversations was ...we have had a guts full of labour , conservatives , lib dems....and the BANKS....i thought this odd....i mean from politics to banks in the same breath...This is not ! a UKIP PPS but a mere reflection of the day...people really are fed up with what,s being thrown our way by the main stream media...its not cutting it with a lot of people...they want change...something new...something honest...something true....they ain,t having the same old shit any more ..remember the message left by labour when they were kicked out ...."good luck....there,s no money left " the point is not UKIP ....the point is people are all wise to the shit being peddled again... we have heard it all before...yet they still try it on thinking they can pull it off one more time...when they offer NOTHING new.....on more serious stuff bought some steak pies,sausage rolls,ham, terry clips and a handbag ...no....for wifey, a big surprise awaits in two weeks .
25 April 2015, 08:15,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
car parks....another way to get your cash ....if you don't pay ....fine , court.
how many other ways have they found to steal our money .
droping litter.....fine
dog mess....fine
just loads of stuff with your car....bald ...lights....
smoke free zone....fine
all these things and many more their answer is your money .
Survive the jive (youtube )
25 April 2015, 08:39,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
what else can they do?.......tickle you instead........I'm not keen on being told what to do either but litter/dog shit et al just plain anti social.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
25 April 2015, 08:59,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
funny that, I am in the middle of putting up "pick it up and bin it" dog poo signs, I'm thinking of applying for the "dog poo warden" job on the local council!!!!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 April 2015, 09:01,
RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
You could ask ...and rightly so what,s this got to do with survival issues....the only growth at this moment is part time jobs and food banks....if your in one the chances are you are joined to the other so that makes us lot extremist survivalists.....We plan for something nasty something unexpected, where the most ordinary of people live this day by day..... Survival ....they do so out of desperation there is no choice especially if you have kids and no chance of full time work.....if you use a clock face as an analogy ...12 is centre 11 is left 1 is right....lets have a good look at 6 because the former no longer functions.
25 April 2015, 09:21,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
I think this sort of thing is survival [big bro is watching you]
how many fines are given by the use of cctv .....keeping us safe were told....watching if you drop litter or you go for a crap on the pavement.  .
Tesco fined me £70 for parking in their car park for about 3/4 hrs over the time limit...they found out who I was by my reg ...if I did not pay the £70 I would be taken to court do dvla charge for my private info [I was not asked if I wanted Tesco to have my info] and how can Tesco come up with £70 for 3/4 hours ...it costs £5 to park all day.
being watched 24/7 by cctv for security im 50/50 on but using the same systems for local councils to fine you over litter or parking is abuse of the system for money.
Survive the jive (youtube )
25 April 2015, 09:32,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
parking is something that annoys me, we are only a very small town but the buggers park anywhere they feel like, on double yellows, on the pavement, even on the bus stop and the loading bay for the local co-op which is clearly marked no parking with a yellow hatched box...the local car park is 30p for an hour for crying out loud, the fine is £70 reduced to £35 if they pay within 14 days, we do have a "parking enforcement officer" but he dosent visit that often. I mean that is now, what the heck will it be like post SHTF when there is WROL??
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
25 April 2015, 09:49,
RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
Cardiff three weeks ago....car park....wheel chair wifey to appointment ...on time....return to car park...pay ...head home ...fine....in post ten days later two A4 pics of my car in a bus lane all of 20 yards ...also shown were other cars behind and in front...which is no excuse ....the letter said...£70 fine for this offence.....but if you pay within 21 days they give a discount of 50% ..... £35.....so our laws are up for discount just like the morals of those who pass them into law.....i paid up....I am a bastard for a bargain ....at least i think that,s what their thought pattern was based on.....law at the bargain basement ....you can,t make this stuff up.
25 April 2015, 10:36,
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
Everyone local government authority is grasping money from whatever source they can. We're bankrupt.
Here's an interesting fact about national debt. In four years the Tories have created more new debt that all the previous Labour governments in history combined. Staggering, and totally at odds with the constant media disinformation and deliberate conflation between "debt" and "defecit". It's easy to reduce defecit when nobody has enough money to buy foreign goods any more.
If you want to know more have a look here:
25 April 2015, 10:50,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Funny thing happened on tuesday
The discount is the fine. They can't double a fine because you argue so if you went to court it would still be the £35. So they start at £70 then discount for hassle free tax collection. It is actually illegal and people get off with it all the time by being prepared to argue but most don't so they few that escape are irrelevant. There are blogs out there with people fighting, and beating, the system every day but it is hard work.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin