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2 June 2015, 07:44,
I don't really see any improvement, wages here are low, a lot of jobs are minimum wage and the house prices are high, 15times the average wage, although it is possible sometimes to get a "move in for £99" deal on a new house, for an older house you need a HUGE deposit, there are 20 year old houses near me that have been on sale for 12 months or more, plenty of viewing but no sales. lots of people with newer cars..not necessarily new ones...but a lot driving really old cars too..thing is if you live in the country you HAVE to have a car even an old banger is better than the minimal bus service.lots of people using Lidl and Aldi, even wife's councillor cousin is now shopping in Aldi!!
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
2 June 2015, 14:39,
I don't think people shopping at Lidl or Aldi is any sign of economic issues, all walks of life now shop in those places, they are not the exclusive realm of the poor and needy, some of the foods they offer are actually pretty good quality.

I for one shop in a variety of supermarkets depending on where I am at the time or what I need.
2 June 2015, 16:48,
I agree people shopping in Lidl and Aldi is not a barometer of how the economy is going, although it does mean that people are watching the pennies more than they did before, mind you a lot are there for the cheap wine!!! most folks around here if they are working are either on minimum wage or they commute to places like Exeter(60 mile round trip) or Plymouth (80 mile round trip) if they want a better job. I'm a bit out on a limb here as far as the economy and stuff is concerned so I can only say as I find, further afield or in a city or big town things may be different.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
2 June 2015, 21:03,
Good point on the wine.

It always amazes me on recycling day how nearly every house around here has an entire container full of empty bottles. I don't really drink but the quantities that many of my neighbours seem to be consuming every week is scary!

I guess it's all about priorities again - or not having the right priorities as the case may be!
3 June 2015, 15:33,
yep same here, huge amounts of tinnies and bottles but very little ordinary recycling.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 June 2015, 07:39,
Where I live in Norfolk things have been jogging along as per the last twenty years that I have been here. Small village near the Broads surrounded by farms.
Normally I don't bother with people and people don't bother with me.
However I have noticed in recent months that there has been a flurry of activity with regard to 'building work' in the area. Extensions being put up , conservatories been upgraded, new windows being installed, a rather posh garage being erected, an old disused factory unit being demolished for further development.
Coupled with this has been an early increase in vehicular traffic along the main road - noticeably caravans, tourers and static, and the holiday trade seems to have picked up early with the local staithe full of pleasure craft before during and after Easter.
So possibly folks feel that they are better off and can take a few pleasures and risks now.
Good luck to them all.
4 June 2015, 08:37,
Well i expect there will be no need of the continuation of Austerity measures , might even increase my food preps.

I feel so much better now...i am even considering taking wifey for a Sunday lunch....out....YES you heard right ! ......out !.....i care not about the repercussions of this act....feeling loose!
4 June 2015, 11:18,
As someone who doesn't really use any 'services', but pays a shit load of money in taxes, austerity is long overdue.

The welfare system and governmental administration become bloated out of all recognition during the first decade of this century under labour and I actually see the austerity measures as a sort of normalisation of services, getting them back to the levels where they should have already been. People became way to reliant on the state and that needed to be stopped, people need to take more responsibility for their own wellbeing, as indeed we all do on here by being members of SUK!
4 June 2015, 12:49,
trouble is people no longer live within their budgets but just put it on the credit card(s), living OUTSIDE their means seems to be "normal" these days, so why do we expect our governments to be any different?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
4 June 2015, 18:14,
BP, That is the trouble with some people individually. Not all do that but we are forced to pay for people that have no intention of ever working. After all why should they they set their expectations low and live within that budget. Nobody should have to pay for freeloaders like them.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin

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