13 June 2015, 19:05,
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lets get real.....
since the dinosaurs kicked the bucket 250.000 yrs ago nothing has happned to end the world as we know it.
we have [and by we I mean the human race] lived through war , revolution , genocide, plague , famine and god only knows what else .
my point is that prepping for some event that killed off all the dinosaurs and we don't even know what that was yet is just foolish.
are we not better off prepping for real events , strikes , flood , unemployment , nhs cuts , real things that can and will happen .
going on about mass die off and back to the stone age crap is old and out of date.
but what do you think........
Survive the jive (youtube )
13 June 2015, 19:18,
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RE: lets get real.....
(13 June 2015, 19:05)Sunna Wrote: are we not better off prepping for real events , strikes , flood , unemployment , nhs cuts , real things that can and will happen .
Thing is, I'm pretty sure that for most of us on this forum, these sorts of 'real events' or perhaps I should say 'more regular events' are unlikely to have any real impact or effect on us........ well that is at least the case for myself.
But yes mass die off and end of the world is pretty unlikely, but it doesn't mean it can't happen. But even so, it doesn't have to be an end of the world situation, what happens if the west keeps pushing and pushing and pushing the Russians, or the Chinese decide to flex their military might, or a major EMP affects half of the planet, or large meteor hits Birmingham etc..... All possible....
13 June 2015, 19:35,
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RE: lets get real.....
I'm inclined to agree, Dev. I think most of us on the Forum are on the alert for little nasties that could affect us and have prepared as best we can tyo deal with them. Something really nasty, like China or Russia deciding to show it's strength could be a real problem. It could certainly impact on our food supplies in this country, and that in itself could cause pandemonium. Remember the sugar shortages; petrol rationing and all that stuff? Things have certrainly changed in this country and I'm not sure we could easily deal with such things now. We are only a tiny island after all and massively overpopulated. Hmm, perhaps I'll head to Lidl tomorrow!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
13 June 2015, 20:59,
(This post was last modified: 13 June 2015, 21:02 by Barneyboy.)
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RE: lets get real.....
I think it more like 65 million years ago mate
As for preps , I for one would have it and not need it then need it and not have it
just read alas Babylon ,so im going to get more salt!!!!
13 June 2015, 22:22,
RE: lets get real.....
Exactly ! Barneyboy.
13 June 2015, 22:46,
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RE: lets get real.....
ok 65 mill years since it was teotwawki....... for t rex and chums , that's not too bad.
so our planet has been stable for us to come down out of the trees and fly to the moon , wow that's 65 mill yrs a stable planet I rest my case.
now prepper chums don't give up because china and Russia might have a sex baby and attack devon , when its open...
Survive the jive (youtube )
13 June 2015, 23:23,
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RE: lets get real.....
(13 June 2015, 19:05)Sunna Wrote: are we not better off prepping for real events , strikes , flood , unemployment , nhs cuts , real things that can and will happen .
going on about mass die off and back to the stone age crap is old and out of date.
but what do you think........
I agree. I'm not one of the 1% who own half the worlds wealth, so I'm preparing for a slow decline. I have children and grand-children, who will need to provide for themselves.
For me, prepping is a long-term deal, I'm planting trees that won't fruit until after I'm dead - but will feed my kids in their middle-age, the soil I'm improving by ploughing in loads of organic material won't recover for 5 years, but when it does it will be great for decades.
14 June 2015, 08:26,
RE: lets get real.....
There is nothing wrong in forward planning....and taking action ! to implement your plan and actually DOING something ....its called commitment to something YOU believe in, if people think... as preppers or survivalists this means we are worried all the time and have nothing better to do , that is their choice...but its not ours..if you prepare for a strike,job loss,or floods this is fine and makes sense ...if that is all you see as a relevant threat to you....if however you perceive more.....then prepare for more...i do not understand a thread that says ...lets get real.....its as real as how anyone perceives a threat to be ....looking back in time and history is all well and good.....WE tend to look into the future Because of the present day events in real time that effect or perceived to effect us...then we try to counter what we see through actions under our control .
In short you do not need permission to prepare for what ever you like and what suits YOU. Its easy to scoff at another member who you think is a bit OTT but they may well be laughing at you ...it works both ways. Just because T REX had no clue of unfolding events.....nor did the people of Hiroshima...just a demonstration for the atomic bomb ...its no wonder why we prepare.
14 June 2015, 08:39,
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RE: lets get real.....
the trouble is that humans are no longer(for the most part...I think SS might disagree) "jacks of all trades" we (humans) have become specialists and rely on others to do what we cannot, there is a huge amount of "get someone in", we also rely to a huge degree on importing stuff from all over the world, these things then can break down and you have a "pack of cards balanced on a knife edge" sort of situation, we are no longer "self reliant" as a nation and probably haven't since before the first world war, technology is good but we are putting all our eggs in one basket by relying on it so heavily. with the human population expanded so much every system is stretched to its very limit, take the NHS,water and sewage systems, food delivery etc etc, all this is very much like an elastic band, it will only stretch so far and then it will break. so yes, I do feel there is a calamity coming, it is real, and its more real now that at any time in our past.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
14 June 2015, 09:02,
RE: lets get real.....
I do not disagree at all BP.