29 June 2015, 18:58,
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Bugging Out Of The UK
There is a lot of discussion in the media, and forums such as this, about the migrant crisis. Much of this discussion looks at the problem from our viewpoint. But what about the migrants' viewpoints?
How about this:
Background levels of dissatisfaction and dissent in the UK boil over to civil disorder (perhaps during a summer heat-wave?). Outside influences with a vested interest see an opportunity to "stoke the fires" and, over a period of weeks, a strong anti-authority movement builds. Initially localised incidents of civil disorder spread and start to become the norm. The government responds with increasing levels of draconian crack-down. Before we know it, we are basically facing a civil war situation. The uncertain situation provides a perfect backdrop for old and new conflicts to boil over into violence. Scores are settled. Neighbour turns on neighbour.
This situation takes place in 2018. Britain has left the EU. Britons require a visa to enter the Schengen area.
You make a decision that you would be better off outside the UK, at least for a while. You have a couple of grand in the bank and a car. What would be your game-plan to avoid becoming the equivalent of a Libyan boat-person victim or someone living in hope and squalor in the "Jungle" of Calais?
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.
29 June 2015, 20:52,
RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
That,s a tough one Terrel , and to be honest i am stumped , but if SCOTLAND were to leave the union , then i would go there for sure..pure logic would demand it, other than that option it would be SCOTLAND.
29 June 2015, 21:14,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
Leaving the UK without considerable planning would be folly imo. Best to prepare to bug out in the UK and outlast the troubles. If it does go the way you are talking then all the discussions we have had on this forum should help you decide what to do.
Knee jerking isn't it. Make the decision now because while you are changing your plans others are doing things to change them even more.
That is why it is called preparing. It means;
gerund or present participle: preparing
1. make (something) ready for use or consideration.
"prepare a brief summary of the article"
"I want you to prepare a plan of action for me"
2. make (someone) ready or able to do or deal with something.
"schools should prepare children for life"
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
29 June 2015, 22:24,
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
I have no plan to leave - many other countries have a stronger right-wing element than we do, out of the frying pan into the fire - but I do have plans to "pull up the ladders" so to speak.
30 June 2015, 16:13,
(This post was last modified: 2 July 2015, 18:49 by Scythe13.)
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
I don't see what the problem is, folks have been bugging out of GB for 500 years.
First to Northern Ireland, then to North America, than to Australia/New Zealand, then to Africa, Hong Kong, Malaysia and the other colonies.
It did most of them more good than staying.
GB became a sea faring nation so they could leave!
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Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
30 June 2015, 16:23,
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
I've no plans to leave the UK again - I know that the grass is not always greener! At least I know my own country.[/u]
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
30 June 2015, 18:27,
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
only reason I can see to leave would be contamination other than this my best option is to stay put in my own surroundings where I know and operate instinctively , and have planned for the issues I know I shall be facing.....we're an island self contained difficult to access(hugely overpopulated but I think nature will sort that one)wide range of resources/skill's...why would I leave other than what I said in the beginning?
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
30 June 2015, 19:11,
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
Like everyone else, I really cannot foresee a situation which would drive me to cross the channel to Europe.
But.... there could (hopefully) be a mass exodus of Europeans from Britain as they look to return to family and their familiar environments.
30 June 2015, 19:59,
Skean Dhude
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
I could see myself leaving the UK for a better life. Planned and organised. I understood the question to be in response to an economic event.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
30 June 2015, 21:29,
Posts: 626
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RE: Bugging Out Of The UK
Well, economic or breakdown of law and order for whatever reason.
Can I just say, I perfectly understand the inclination of members to stay put in the UK, based on the situation as it is now. We are a very stable nation compared to many that we see on our TV screens every day. But it might not always be like this. I'm sure many of the (refugee) migrants fleeing Syria, etc, had no conception of what could or would befall their country. I myself was in Syria in 2006. You couldn't imagine a more friendly, ordered, prosperous country. Now look at it. Who knows what is bubbling beneath the surface? There is a risk of the "boiling frog" syndrome, in which the situation deteriorates slowly and steadily, and by the time it is necessary to act, it can only be done in an unplanned, haphazard fashion.
So, the question was really about the following; if a situation developed in the UK where you felt it was the best decision to leave, how would you do so while avoiding the predicament that so many refugees are finding themselves in?
Some specific prepping questions to ponder:
- How much of a fighting fund would you need to relocate to another country? How would you ensure that this fighting fund remains available despite possible financial turmoil? (Keeping it in gold coin, for example).
- Where would you go, and would you be allowed in? Is it worth, for example, looking at nations where it is relatively easy to obtain residency status or a passport?
- What trigger-events would you look out for in order to hit the "go" button on your plan before it's too late and travel becomes impractical?
- If public transport was impractical, what other methods are available to leave our island? Do you need to start cultivating relationships with the owners of these methods now? (e.g. a boat capable of crossing the English Channel, or a private aircraft)
Even if it is an option of last resort, surely bugging out of the UK has to figure on the prepping list somewhere?
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.