12 July 2015, 18:03,
Vita Navitas
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Just for fun scenario
Okay, this is just for a little fun now.
If there was a military occupational rule in the UK, what would you do?
9pm curfew, exceptions will have certificates to allow later travel. People seen out after that time can be detained, or shot on sight.
All people to have food, water, and power rationed.
All firearms to be handed in at the closest police station.
Random home searches, whenever, and however, authorities wanted.
Anyone found to be hoarding food, water, power, etc, will be 'dealt with'.
Lands and properties absorbed into the state.
Travel permits required at all times. All travel to be limited, e.g. limited fuel.
What would you do?
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin
12 July 2015, 18:43,
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RE: Just for fun scenario
comply after hiding as much of my stash as I can the rest would be distributed amongst family/friends.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
12 July 2015, 20:27,
RE: Just for fun scenario
Although i can see martial law being introduced ...how would they control the masses ...even if they make examples as a fear tool ...they would have an impossible task of total control due to the fact of sheer numbers....of us....and moreover the forces required to carry out the task to start with...even if they used all three armed forces ,police,fire service and the TA not forgetting most would live local and have families to worry about, impact on transport would have effect for sure , as Midnite points out hiding your stashes ( which i have done anyway ) would make perfect sense....it would also depend on the time scale ...Nothing would be hidden at home for starters to play it safe, but a good thread to ponder on S13
13 July 2015, 10:07,
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RE: Just for fun scenario
talk of martial law is a non sense, nationally there are only 130,000 Police(that's the same as the population of Exeter) and less than 100,000 troops, to "police" a population of over 64 million? isn't going to happen, maybe London and Birmingham at a push, but the rest of the country especially smaller towns will just be left to "get on with it" as best they can.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 July 2015, 12:06,
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RE: Just for fun scenario
No one said a thing about it being your local, friendly, understaffed, whiny British natives doing the application and enforcement of these restrictions.
I assure you that there are groups that can enforce ML on a population of 60 million efficiently and without hesitation. The Soviet Union maintained almost these exact regulations on a much larger population for more than 50 years. You still need "travel papers" in many areas.
Just pretend Churchill is dead and there is no inspiration for stopping the next invading army from spilling onto your shores.
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
13 July 2015, 12:27,
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RE: Just for fun scenario
it may be fun to decry the British MB but your comments are not logical-as Spock would say
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 July 2015, 14:00,
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RE: Just for fun scenario
You are on an EOTWAWKI/SHTF survival forum waiting for the meltdown of civilization as we know it and you are preaching to me about "logic" ??
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
13 July 2015, 15:02,
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RE: Just for fun scenario
Britain hasn't been invaded for a thousand years what makes you think its even possible never mind probable? and I don't agree with this being an EOTW forum, most people here are prepping for short term events.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
13 July 2015, 17:09,
RE: Just for fun scenario
MB can you elaborate on the (Groups) that could inflict total control over 60 million ? and just for fun What you would do ? as asked by the thread ? from a American view point !
13 July 2015, 18:43,
Posts: 626
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RE: Just for fun scenario
It's rarely as black and white as "100,000 vs 60 million". Many people can become compliant with a totalitarian regime, especially if the rules are presented for their "security" or as an act of patriotism. The human psyche has a strange tendency to become compliant under a rule of fear. We see it time and again; the concentration camps of Nazi Germany, Srebrenice, the Islamic State beheadings, the Soviet gulags. People politely waiting to be killed rather than turning on their executioners and fighting to the death at the last minute.
There is also the "grey area" of those aiding and abetting the regime, whether through indoctrination, incentive, fear or a combination of all these. These people can swell the numbers of those on the authorities' side and give them a reach that they might not otherwise have. Child soldiers in Africa are often recruited and kept on-side through a combination of indoctrination, drugs and provision of trinkets such as mobile phones. Such soldiers are used against their own people in civil or inter-ethnic warfare.
So, I have no doubt about the authorities' ability to impose martial law in the UK.
What would I do? Try to bug out to my woodland. I have a deep-seated rebellious nature which would make it difficult to become a fully paid-up, chanting, flag-waving member of the oppressing side (the other alternative) without losing my sanity.
Or try to leave the country.
Find a resilient place and way to live, then sit back and watch a momentous period in history unfold.