19 July 2015, 22:33,
(This post was last modified: 19 July 2015, 23:28 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: House Fire Scenario
I am in my office...on my then Amstrad programming a spread sheet....telephone rings i answer....its the wife...." I can hear a crackling noise in the ceiling.....and smell rubber burning ....i think there is a fire " i cut in Get out Now and wait i am on my way !...i am two miles away......out the door and gone.....road works.....i cannot turn around......i get to the turn off of my drive....there is a fire tender and firemen connecting hoses into mains...i start running the 350 yards down the drive ...i pass firemen rolling out hose...i reach the main gate....smoke and fire is coming out the roof tiles ...i renewed 2 months ago.....wife was holding our youngest daughter and both crying....other two daughters at school......firemen brought it under control within a hour ...the fault was the one electric circuit that was left (all others were renewed ) this was due to be changed when a wall was knocked out and new ceiling put up....we both salvaged some stuff to wear and kids stuff....."just imagine if this happened at night " wife said...i picked up the bunny rabbit of the youngest burnt and wet...and our wedding album.....that night was spend at my mothers and MIL ....i stood guard in my sleeping bag....the main reason was to take all this in and come up with a plan by morning as Tuesday night faded ....i was up by 5 am by 8 am Titchy,Steve ,Chris and Alan..were all on the case....By 10 am i had bought a old static caravan 32 ft....they would deliver Thursday about 11.30 am ....Alan and JCB levelled the ground , dug trenches for drainage and soil pipes....Titchy was off nicking pipes and fittings....Steve the spark was borrowing some armoured cable ......Chris was cutting trees up the drive to clear any obstructions ....me i am getting electric shower and full size loo......its now 2.30 pm Titchy is laying the pipes , Steve is rolling out the cable.... i was connecting a new cold water supply along with Chris ( who was smoking a huge joint.....see man things happen for a purpose speach.......followed by "this blue pipe is fucking awesome man ! the colour is so fucking awesome !......Alan starts back filling the trenches...Steve makes off the ends.....i pop on the stop tap ...Chris turns on....its now 7 pm we all go to the pub....eat and get rat arsed....i return to the sleeping bag about 11.30 pm the phone that,s still working ringing " where have you been ? over the pub i expect " i did try not to sound like the flower pot men BUT failed ...instead of the normal goodnight sweetheart i got YOU BASTARD TWAT !.....which was beyond me....Thursday comes....Titchy and Chris turn up with a grate of Stella, Barley wine, and whiskey....titchy says its to get chris off the wacky......its noon and the driver says " not a fucking chance boys" after two attempts ...Titchy is ex para .....as he is sitting on the bank gulping down his sixth barley wine...he gestures to the driver to come over for a chat.....there is a fucking way ! you are not focussing correctly ....so before i rip your spleen out and do it myself i will let you try once more......this chat turned the driver into an amazing determined totally focussed individual....did the job and offloaded within 25 mins.....its all hands on deck all is connected up and working....Alan turns up to see if all is okay...and brings some refreshments for the boys....more Stella,barley wine and whiskey...Chris said fuck this man...i,m skinning up your all fucking mental....we retreat to the caravan....order a takeaway.....Wife and in-laws turn up with food and cold cokes ...as she comes into the caravan we hide the booze (well we thought we did ) Chris waving his hands back and forth to hide the smell of wacky......You will have to air the caravan tomorrow she says......the fil brought BLAZING SADDLES on VHS and a player ...he set it all up and winked at me ....you will like this .......wife said can i see you a minuet .... outside....I want a smoke alarm in there in the morning ! ...i am not as green as i am cabbage looking she said.....what do you mean ?....what i mean is this.......you have more booze under that dust sheet than the pub has....its not mine!......you are a complete and utter bastard ! and a liar ...and just to top off as they are leaving the take out arrives....fucking brilliant !.....to be continued.....
Friday 8.30 am the scene in the caravan was like someone had lopped a stun grenade through the window of the caravan...cartons, bottles,and Chris.....come on ! up ! the commandant will be here soon ....i have to clean up man !......" i get a kick out of you " Chris is singing....WTF come on shift it or i am total toast...he leaves...i clean up...all windows are open i am flicking OLD SPICE everywhere.....wife arrives "have you turned the gas fire on the air it " yes....." i have the bedding in the car and some jeans and stuff....lets see if we can salvage anything over the house " okay i say...we look around at the debris our home now has become..." we could not have got out.....no escape windows...no smoke alarm to alert us" she breaks down i put my arms around her.....YOU bloody stink of booze.....bastard !....(bastard has now become my first name ) we wander into the kitchen ...the smell of smoke and water underfoot....she gazes over to look at the caravan......" i thought it was a gas fire " it is....then why is there smoke coming out the chimney thing then ? " i look over .....oh fuck! ring 999......the caravan was well on the go....the firemen turn up ....i warn the of the gas bottle ......all sorted in quick order.....they were the same crew....you are having some luck boyo....if i was you i would put that fag out....we will be putting you out next !....the fire chef is on the phone to the caravan park owners who sold me the van.....he said they should get a new caravan up to site with a crew to connect all services and compensate all items lost due to them selling something not fit for purpose and no paperwork of fire safety....he might forget this oversight if done within the next 24 hrs starting right now !.....this was carried out to the letter within 14 hours !.....we move in.....after some six weeks tempers fray...a flying cup smashes when it comes into contact with my head....and yes we have two smoke alarms fitted....tested every morning making toast ! the kids are not happy other kids are saying they have now become gypsies....the wife and i are totally pissed off with the loss adjusters who appear to have all the time in the world to make it their job to fuck us about with little regard to our comfort or well being.....then a chance meeting turns our luck ( well that,s what we thought ) TO BE CONTINUED.
19 July 2015, 23:44,
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RE: House Fire Scenario
Holy shit. This is going to be "required reading" for preppers.
20 July 2015, 04:04,
Posts: 3,493
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RE: House Fire Scenario
Required prepper reading???
The house catches fire so you get stoned and drunk?
You're all gonna' die!
Every person should view freedom of speech as an essential right.
Without it you can not tell who the idiots are.
20 July 2015, 09:31,
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RE: House Fire Scenario
(20 July 2015, 04:04)Mortblanc Wrote: Required prepper reading???
The house catches fire so you get stoned and drunk?
You're all gonna' die!
A story like this can show you the massive implications of a small mistake, and the massive importance of having some help around when it happens.
Try rebuilding "lone wolf" style and see how long it takes.
As for the beer ? I think friends volunteering their labour deserve a drink in the evening.
20 July 2015, 12:10,
RE: House Fire Scenario
ITs much more than that.....at that time, i had a bridging loan of 30 k and a mortgage on the first house....in-between that trying to run a company...daytime i was making and fitting windows...at night out selling windows...i did not have a pot to piss in.... plus the over draught was creeping up .....these guys just appeared out of the haze of all this shit of mine and not asked to by me ....their time and their money ....help and support worth more than i can put down here....as for the booze and takeaways they supplied the lot ...when i did offer to stump up ....i was told to fuck off and behave myself....besides i would rather talk about you...titchy said...though many years have past and favours returned..i can imagine people like this exist where YOU live...full of good hart and a willingness to help a family in dire straights....its what humans do ! there are others not mentioned here ....lots of them....who helped for a simple thankyou....who,s reply was.....its nothing at all......think nothing of it boyo.
20 July 2015, 13:09,
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RE: House Fire Scenario
SS mates like that are priceless, cherish them as you are truly blessed
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
20 July 2015, 14:01,
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RE: House Fire Scenario
we have a "retained" fire station here...all volunteers, there was some talk of it being "downgraded" and possibly closed but it hasn't happened yet, if it does nearest one will be 10miles-20 minutes drive-away.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
20 July 2015, 15:20,
Posts: 409
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Joined: Jan 2013
RE: House Fire Scenario
I'm actually looking for a fireproof safe for this situation
I'd feel awkward the cops and fire dept seeing my preps
It's not the end of the world, but you can see it from here
20 July 2015, 18:43,
(This post was last modified: 20 July 2015, 19:21 by Straight Shooter.)
RE: House Fire Scenario
Part Three.
Its now late November, snow and very cold....two gas fires , and the loss adjusters are still hanging on waiting for us to cave in and except a stupid offer..... its been nearly 3 months of total shit coming from all directions....OD has gone , i am in a filling station...hello SS heard about the fire how you getting on pal ? Freezing my bollocks off along with the wife n kids ...laughing...you are not still in that caravan are you ? OH YES....walking to my van...HOLD UP !.....i have just bought ty coed farm , our old house is ready if you want to move in....there are beds and furniture call it 25 quid a week......you on the level ? john.....of coarse i am....throws me the keys.....have a look..if you like slide straight in....we will worry about money in the new year...that was about 10 am ....by 4 pm we were in....kids are excited their own bedroom, a table and chairs we can all eat at the same time together....wife rolled her sleeves up to deep clean....something that did not need it....the windows old and draughty but this was heaven....in the kitchen lived an old wood burning range with two ovens and heated the hot water, we brought the portable gas fire with us......i fixed up the front and rear doors that were falling apart, some sort of normality and routine returned to our lives.
Its the day before Christmas eve, i have paid all suppliers , bought the Christmas food ( no drink MB ) everyone had presents...i had been working every spare hour at the house (with the crew ) and a new recruit TONY....the roof was stripped right off , all debris was gone or burnt....up i go just to check things over....the day before we laid the reclaimed bricks up to wall plate level and changed lintels , the boys were there....wtf are you lot doing? i thought you said see you in the new year ? ......WELL its like this....we were in the pub sinking some and Ivor pie n chips came in for a swift one ...he asked after you...we said you needed some sand and chippings ....and 4" x 2" wall plate timber....he said he,ll be back in an hour so that,s why we are here....with that we could hear a beep ....beep....beep crackling sound as ivor pie n chips reversed the 16 wheeler up the drive while cutting the hedges both sides....where do you want it ! boyo,s anywhere you like ivor says titchy.....i got two more loads for ewe....what do you want more sand or chippings ....both ivor ....where,s the fucking timber ivor....on the back of hear you blind bastard...two packs of ten 16 ft ..and more on the next two......its fucking Christmas see boyo,s ...by the time ivor got back we had bedded the wall plate on the house by 4 pm 48 tons and eight packs of 4" x 2" was on site ....poor old ivor moved on years back but we all remember ivor and he kindness and often speak of him even now. Coming for a pint ? ....no boys i am all out...fuck you do not need cash you silly bastard Chris blasts.....no no boys you have done enough....are you working tomorro ...no i finished this morning ...why do you need a hand with something......oh aye we do ...well okay i,m up ....will pick you up a 5 am.....5 am ? aye 5 am... okay 5 am it is....later that day the split was £120 a piece at the scrap yard..... that,s all i will say on that one....think commandos and one para fucking nutter bastard.....who dares gets pissed......Christmas and new year were fantastic times for us all...then back to the grind stone....its Friday and i am beat and knackered...bed by 10 pm ....
I awake .....my head is bumping and thick....i took a few moments..i lift my head look over at the mirror facing me on the wardrobe.....i blink ...take another look.....i have black smudges under my nose.....odd ...nothing to drink .....odd....look over at the wife she has the same....i wake her up....oh my head she says...i lay there for a moment ...she said what,s on your nose...what about your nose ...we both sit up and look.....THE KIDS we both shout...i am through the door into the kids bedroom where i find the same but not as bad as us ....they are playing and asking what,s the matter daddy......the fault........the old cooking range flue was blocked .....the silent killer carbon monoxide nearly had us.......NO SMOKE OR MOMOXIDE alarms to warn us....the two smoke alarms were left in the caravan...big help huh ...those draughty windows saved us i am certain, they say troubles come in three,s ....well sure enough they actually do....i am proof ....i am also proof of being a complete idiot also.
So take this with you as you go along the road of living your life...YOU have RESPONSIBILITIES to YOU and THOSE you LOVE around YOU ....tell my tale to everyone you love and even hate....go buy some smoke alarms and better still CM monitors ...change the batteries regular...after two years change them for new ones.....have a escape plan that you all know....have a means of escape via windows ....or a sledge hammer handy....if the worst happens GET OUT.....STAY OUT....i hope this was worth the time...
The loss adjusters gave ground in early February...but they are still and remain total BASTARDS .
Before i forget....where i am now typing....the fire was directly over my head.
26 July 2015, 16:31,
Vita Navitas
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RE: House Fire Scenario
Thanks for the write up SS it points out A LOT of things that I'd not thought about properly. Steve makes a great point about the difficulties of being a lone wolf or going it alone. It also makes a great point of showing that those with skills age good to know, but those whom live close by with skills, are great to know. I knew a guy who'd put on a party every new year for around 150 people. It was a tradition for many years. Very rich family, and actually very well loved. Whenever they needed anything, anyone and everyone was happy to help if they could. Knowing the people around you, and being nice to them is a very good thing.
Dissent is the highest form of Patriotism - Thomas Jefferson
Those who sacrifice freedom for security deserve neither - Benjamin Franklin