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Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
18 October 2015, 13:41, (This post was last modified: 18 October 2015, 14:02 by NorthernRaider.)
Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
Just wondering if anyone has given and consideration to any potential unintended consequences or possible unforeseen consequences of the impact of the huge numbers of impoverished migrants pouring unchecked into the EU from the near and midddle east / North Africa?

Mass migration into EU unintended consequences

Just wondering if anyone has given and consideration to any potential unintended consequences or possible unforeseen consequences of the impact of the huge numbers of impoverished migrants pouring unchecked into the EU from the near and Middle east / North Africa?

I think most of us are already aware of the increase in sexual assaults / rapes etc occurring as the new arrivals fail to understand the difference in our cultures, I also think the increased risk of urban terrorism from imported Islamic extremism is understood. We are also aware of issues such as Roma versus Polish migrant aggression in the South Yorks area.

But its other imponderables I’m trying to consider such as

EG1 German citizens being forced to leave their homes of many years so that the blocks and streets can be used to accommodate immigrant families, do you think this could occur in the UK

EG2 The import of the more common strains of antibiotic resistant diseases such as the Chechenian / Afghan strains of TB and how it could affect us.

EG3 Possible unrest as the less recent migrants into WESTERN Europe such as the people from the former Soviet states many of strong Christian religious ethic clashing with the predominantly Muslim migrants, are our communities getting MORE unsafe?

EG4 the possible effects of the INEVITABLE tax burden and associated cuts to services on the British and West Europeans caused by so many people needing housing, educating, clothing, transport, healthcare on systems already crippled thanks to the 2008 collapse. We cannot keep increasing taxes and wasting billions propping up an already bloated welfare system, so what will happen?

EG the Ghettoisation as more foreign or non-domestic cultures are deliberately clustered together in regions and provinces already impoverished by previous economic and social issues and already critically short of essential infrastructure.

What other issues do you think we should be considering and do you have any suggestions as to how we can mitigate the local effects likely to impact on us?

18 October 2015, 15:44,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
crime up

wages down

allready 99% white areas like malvern are taking overspill from brum to move to malvern you must have a local conection ie work family but the refuges have none taking homes and work from locals
poolbrook comunity hall now has a part time mosic on fridays

many move to rural areas to get away from it .

dont think t may is on it just tough talk to stop ukip / thatcher did the same in the mid 70s to stop the NF
Survive the jive (youtube )
18 October 2015, 18:11,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
All the examples you site are all valid and very real NR how can we mitigate to local and national effects ? not much i fear ...we would be contravening some human rights law ....enforced by some twat in Brussels , I would pose the question of WHY this is allowed to take place...does it make ANY sense to most ordinary folk that these people appear to get every advantage over the likes of most ENGLISH nationals ...not only that but legally and with full consent of the GOV ...any other words,s done by DESIGN and would have to be to make any sense at me at least, so who wins ? who looses ? who is really responsible for the Action plan which will cause a reaction..ponder on the instigators and the why? rather than the reaction to the problem they give us for us to solve...all the while they will be planning even more stuff for us to deal with...this is my view.... and how i see reply in no way means to derail this thread !
18 October 2015, 19:36,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
It's not going to end well!
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
18 October 2015, 21:26,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU

so 60 Syrian refugees for Malvern many homes will this lot take and jobs , if they work.

answer .....ask the tax payers not the lefty do gooders
Survive the jive (youtube )
18 October 2015, 21:44, (This post was last modified: 18 October 2015, 21:50 by NorthernRaider.)
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
Guys I think we all know what the main CAUSES are, its the EFFECTS and steps we can take as individuals I want to here from folks please.

I often carry out a paper exercise of Cause - Effect - Possible Mitigations by which I make a list of causal factors, then try to estimate the effects that could have, then most importantly I try to think of ways of mitigating or avoiding the negative effects. I did one for this issue but would rather read what you guys can suggest rather than me just give more food to the trolls.

How can we avoid, dodge, reduce etc the effects of the trouble pouring into Europe

18 October 2015, 22:38,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
I've noticed what I would say is an unitended consequence. It's revealed our country is still full of racists & shows that for many people they can't physically see somebody simply as a person regardless of skin colour or where they/their family was born.

Nevermind though, nowt to do with prepping.
18 October 2015, 23:01,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
Thanks for confirming for me I was wasting my time trying to start sensinle debate again on the forum. A complete waste of time.

18 October 2015, 23:49,
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
I've noticed what I would say is an unitended consequence. It's revealed our country is still full of racists & shows that for many people they can't physically see somebody simply as a person regardless of skin colour or where they/their family was born.

Nevermind though, nowt to do with prepping.

That,s a great attitude Rob cannot fault your humanity ...i guess you would welcome them all as your new near neighbours and all types of nationalities to...of course they are just physically simple people regardless of skin colour ...until they take your job because they will work for less, which IS a INTENDED consequence ....what we going to do with you Robo boyo ?
19 October 2015, 03:58, (This post was last modified: 19 October 2015, 04:01 by Geordie_Rob.)
RE: Unintended consequences of mass migration into EU
You're getting it all wrong. They're not moving for work from the middle-east & some parts of Africa. They're moving because where they lived, they face those daily little things like beheading, chucking gay people off tall buildings, becoming American collateral damage. If that was you, would not want to move you & your family? I know I sure as hell would. You have a child. Would you not risk swimming open seas for a chance of saving him?

As for would I welcome them into my neighbourhood? Absolutely right I would. And I hope my council sticks by it's pledge to rehome some Syrian refugees in my area. My reasons for this are above.

Lastly, please don't speak to me like I'm a fool. I'm called rob & I'm certainly not a boy.

If I've mis-interpreted your last comment SS, please accept my apologies. It's just the way it came over to me.

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