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Grey man advice URL
15 November 2015, 17:22,
Grey man advice URL

15 November 2015, 18:34,
RE: Grey man advice URL
A good site. Here is another

And another:

Thanks. For all of us this stuff should be routine, without thinking.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
15 November 2015, 23:53,
RE: Grey man advice URL
walk up your local high st , look at what is most worn most popular ....copy .look like everybody else.
Survive the jive (youtube )
16 November 2015, 05:35,
RE: Grey man advice URL
I think my idea of a Grey man is a little more subdued than this....threat level goes up you just stay away simples
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
16 November 2015, 10:11,
RE: Grey man advice URL
The article in the OP at survivalthinktank is, IMHO, OK for the US but inappropriate for the UK. I'll come up with some ideas
16 November 2015, 11:00,
RE: Grey man advice URL
Everyone should have their own ideas RS, individually tailored to suit their own needs and requirements, a one size fits all to survival would be suicidal.

16 November 2015, 12:19,
RE: Grey man advice URL
Agree NR but many of us need a bit of guidance.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
16 November 2015, 13:04,
RE: Grey man advice URL
OK, Blend in, look normal (that's Skeane Dude screwed at the first hurdle) dress as conventional as possible, don't dress tactical unless your a soldier, don't dress all in black you look like a cop or terrorist or member of the village people. Use high quality civilian clothing, luggage and footwear, if your a pen pusher, techno geek, admin worker you may find a messenger bag or electricians bag more suitable. Your trying to look bland an uninteresting to bad guys and other preppers and authorities alike. Moral Patches, Badges, Bumper stickers and anything displaying radical comments is a no no.

Cammo gear is for rural areas, tans, greys, are for urban areas.

Your BOB/ GHB etc should not have bling or badges on the outside, everything must be inside out of sight UNTIL TSHTF then you can move it or remount it when necessary

Your vehicle should be capable, reliable, capacious and as boring as can be to the casual eye, take the assorted antennas, jerry cans, shovels, sand matts and other bling off the outside, store it inside out of sight until needed.

NEVER stand in the street with your fizzogg staring at a map, I phone or GPS that's just saying to the world ROB ME or STOP AND SEARCH HIM because he is not local.

Gray Man movement is handy such as boarding trains, buses, taxis, tubes etc at rural stations and transport hubs, and alighting at least one stop before the city terminus or depot and approach on foot or local transit system and note potential B O routes.

When going for grub in urban areas look first to see if you are going to be the only one possibly of your ethnicity in the place, if Yes go elsewhere.

At college / work / club keep your politics / prepping to yourself you just lay yourself out for ridicule in normal times and as a target as soon as TSHTF as desperate co workers realise the only person not panicking is you.

16 November 2015, 19:41,
RE: Grey man advice URL
It's difficult not to stand out when you're a 6'2 bearded skin head.

Could don a tea-towel and kick around outside the mosque I suppose, blend in...

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