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7 January 2016, 19:51,
RE: delusional
I remember well ...the spirit of helping people within your street and did not have to ask was automatic here in the Welsh valleys....there are some still left with that same attitude ....oldies like me....but when you shut your windows at night you need to check you are not shutting and trapping some buggers hand.
8 January 2016, 18:28,
RE: delusional
yes, back in the 60s I would agree with you SS, not these days, if you don't lock your doors the buggers will rob you blind.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
8 January 2016, 19:22,
RE: delusional
Same here in the rural US.

The old timers who live here have become very cautious of city folk who move out to the country to get away from urban crime and bring their bugger all attitude and lifestyle with them.

73 de KE4SKY
"Almost Heaven" West Virginia
9 January 2016, 10:19,
RE: delusional
Same here Charles,

Our hamlet has 33 dwellings of which around half are family owned houses that are euphemistically referred to as recreational residences.

When I moved in here I was immediately labelled as a recreational resident. Everyone was friendly enough but I was excluded from the real support mechanisms that exist.

Living here permanently and heating by wood through two winters has changed my label to that of a man of the Hamlet and with that comes a whole lot more support from the community whenever I want it.

Its a good feeling.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
9 January 2016, 15:01,
RE: delusional
I don't think that is quite what the OP asked.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
9 January 2016, 17:41,
RE: delusional
Feminized suburban clowns with Jack-lore knives.
Suburban neighbours= stranger- danger.
10 January 2016, 13:02,
RE: delusional
I have to agree with the general concensus that bugging out to live in the woods full time is nigh on impossible and foolhardy. But having said that, I think learning and practicing bushcraft type skills is always useful for a number of reasons such as keeping you fitter, boosting your self confidence in your ability to handle situations outside your comfort zone, but most importantly they are useful skills to have if you were to ever find yourself in transit to a BOL or trying to get home during a SHTF event. My job is to deliver cars all over the country and just last week I was in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Staffordshire, Epsom, Battersea and Maidstone and if some SHTF event happened that prevented me from driving or using public transport to get home then I would just have to walk which would take several days. The weekend bushcraft skills and the kit I carry with me would make this possible, though it probably wouldn't be easy or pleasant.
they laugh at us because we're different, we laugh at them because they're all the same
10 January 2016, 14:46,
RE: delusional
for me too , 5 days of the week I could be anywhere in the uk if a major event happned and the roads became gridlocked I would have to walk/bike back.
because I sleep out I have with me food and water for a few days so better off than most.
this summer I was in London tuned in to lbc and the m25 [part of] was shut for 6 hrs folk were ringing up who were stuck in their cars with no drink on a very hot day inc some mums on a school run nobody thinks about day to day preps.

I think you all know what I think about bugging out , but bushcraft skills and knowledge could save your life.
Survive the jive (youtube )

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