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In with the New Year
15 January 2016, 20:53,
In with the New Year
I don't make New Year resolutions - I never keep them anyway - but I do use the New Year as a time to do a stocktake of my situation. It's a useful thing to do, and sets me on the right paths or puts me back on them if I have strayed.

So I've been checking things through and running a few what-if scenarios. First up for a review was water usage. I was amazed to find how much drinking water we got through in a day. I mean drinking water only, not washing up, washing clothes, showering etc. - that was extra. To check the usage I ran all drinking water through a Berkefeld filter, measuring the litres as i put it into the top filter. We were getting through 6-8 litres a day - far more than I thought. Granted there was a bit left at the bottom of the unit, but not that much. This has given me pause for thought, and I am now going to up my water collection facilities outside. More water butts and galva tanks. I may even try to press the OH into letting me pull up the carpet to take a peek at the cistern under our office. Remember, this was just drinking water, so much more would be needed for washing, loos etc.

Checking through on a what-if the power went out scenario, I found that, although I could manage on cooking, heating and lighting on alternative fuels (charcoal, wood-burner, candles etc), I am very reliant on electricity because I run 3 freezers. This is a worry as a bit proportion of my stored food is frozen - particularly the fresh stuff we grow. So, I am looking into a stand-alone solar system as an emergency back-up. I'm floundering in this a bit because I don't knowm what I want is is possible, but thanks to all those kind folks who have explained solar power to me - I'm getting there.

I did an assessment of our family situation last year when MIL came to stay (!). Fortunately that situation has resolved itself and she has been rehomed! So the necessity for the storage of steradent tablets and incontinence pads has been cancelled. OTG. There is no likelihood of other family members joining us, so I only now have to concern myself with OH and menagerie.

I am doing a review of the veggie patch in the next few weeks - some raised beds are in the offing and I am currently collecting materials. Hopefully some of the Forum members will be able to contribute details of what grew best last year in wet conditions.
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
15 January 2016, 22:07,
RE: In with the New Year
Mary, I think that 2 to 3l drinking water per person per day is fairly normal rate of consumption. The amount you're getting through seems to be consistent.

Consumption will increase with temperature and level of physical activity, so you are right to plan for more storage.

BTW I'm still dying to know the state of that cistern under your office floor:-)
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
15 January 2016, 23:06,
RE: In with the New Year
That makes two of us LS.....get it sorted Mary...pull your bloody finger out girl !
16 January 2016, 10:29,
RE: In with the New Year
Yeah it does seem rather a shame to potentially have this wonderful resource and it be untapped...excuse the pun.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
16 January 2016, 10:58,
RE: In with the New Year
I need on average 6 liters PPPD for drinking and cooking and extra cleaning of pots / worktops, Washing ALL fruit and veg etc because when TSHTF we have to be far cleaner and more hygienic than normal to prevent health problems, EG Dish clothes get washed and bleached DAILY in my emergency plans, everyone has individual hand and bath towels when TSHTF.

I think for my family prevention is better than cure so though I do have good medical gear ( Antibiotics, Diorolite, Immodium, Anti Septic creams etc) I prefer not to pick up a bug at all if possible.

I think ideally my needs for cleaned treated water for bathing, showering, washing laundry is likely to go UP not down if TSHTF as we will be having to deal with no public waste disposal, no fresh water AND EQUALLY IMPORTANT no sewage and rubbish disposal systems

16 January 2016, 11:02,
RE: In with the New Year
Mary said
" I am very reliant on electricity because I run 3 freezers. This is a worry as a bit proportion of my stored food is frozen - particularly the fresh stuff we grow."

Mary I think you need to explore methods of QUICKLY preserving the contents of your feezer if TSHTF, Smoking, Dehydrating, Pickling, Salting, Boiling, Canning etc and have a plan for the family to tackle the freezer stocks in an organised way such as one person slicing all the meats into thin enough bits to dry out in the oven on trays, perhaps a food dehydrator from Lakeland, a few cheap bags of salt etc.

16 January 2016, 12:36,
RE: In with the New Year
Good advice NR .......Dehydrating in particular i find brilliant the very process it reduces down the food and in turn room required to store, but all methods as suggested are equally relevant.

I would echo NR it QUICKLY ......also get some saltpetre in your stores Mary.
16 January 2016, 12:39,
RE: In with the New Year
I have to take my water with me when on the road , 3/5 lts a day depending on what im doing , what worrys me is if something happned and I was away from home [most of last week in Norfolk area] and had to get home by foot how could you get that amount and boil it while on foot plus carry it.
Survive the jive (youtube )
16 January 2016, 13:22,
RE: In with the New Year
carry iodine tabs and a millbank bag for the bigger bits , or a whizz bang all in one bottle/filter combo , loads of them out there on the market.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
16 January 2016, 13:32,
RE: In with the New Year
I have some filter straws in the Bob's bought some single and a couple of twinpacks....bout £11 each or a twinpack for £20 they work until they clog up which tells you there fekked....about 100 to 150 ltrs per straw so long as you don't use muudy puddles should get you home.
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!

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