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The Triple Barrel Tower
14 April 2016, 09:01,
Photo  The Triple Barrel Tower
[Image: attachment.php?aid=322]
The Triple Barrel Tower is Designed to vertically hold 3 blue 55 Gallon Barrels. This will allow you to have over 160 gallons of water that you know is clean and ready to use. The heavy-duty construction is made of high strength steel and is easy to assemble. It safely stores the barrels vertically which frees up valuable floor space for you.

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14 April 2016, 13:38,
RE: The Triple Barrel Tower
Nice, it reminds me i need to blag some more dexion angle iron for my stores.

14 April 2016, 14:38,
RE: The Triple Barrel Tower
Looks nice but I'm paranoid. Leaky tap and the lot is gone plus each will have a small amount left in the bottom under the taps which could go funny and taint any new water put in when it is refilled. Plus you can't expel all the air in the top bits on the barrel so it will store all the crud and not obtain its full capacity.

I do like the rack though.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
14 April 2016, 23:59,
RE: The Triple Barrel Tower
I used a two barrel stack like this for 2 years with no problems. It was outside and filled once each two weeks.

When you refill the system you pour in a couple oz. of chlorine bleach which kills any residual "funnies" and treats whatever you have added.

It really does not matter if you can not drain the tanks completely because you don't want to let them go empty in the first place! You never run out before you top off and what you add treats what is already there.

You must also have a pressure relief on the barrels or the system will not fill from the top or allow flow to your system. And the bottom two barrels do fill completely due to the pressure from above. Only the top barrel never completely fills but that is only a gallon or so of the total.
15 April 2016, 07:28,
RE: The Triple Barrel Tower
1000 Litres, built in racking, stackable, food-safe, £35 used.
15 April 2016, 08:16,
RE: The Triple Barrel Tower
My thoughts exactly steve, and IBC holds more and is easier to store and use.


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