24 October 2011, 15:10,
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rebuilding society.
i'd just like to expand on the main heading, i'd hope that if TSHTF then it would go down the pan far enough so we could start from scratch again. the present system is not working and we need to replace it with something more inclusive. a return to a quieter way of life would be an advantage. a concept where we start from local level up, not the other way round.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 October 2011, 15:53,
Skean Dhude
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RE: rebuilding society.
This will be an interesting area. We accept that the current system is not working but everybody will have a different system they want to put in place.
Personally, I'm a Libertarian and would look at setting up in a similar way to the way the US founders intend although as you can see even that isn't worikng out. I'm coming to the conclusion that the issue with human society is us. We are flawed and although we will set up a fair society as it grows those with ambition will fiddle and adjust until we are in the same situation in 4 generations.
So to start the ball. I'm looking at setting up the US solution from 1775 but making things locked and not subject to interpretation and twisting. With protection such that any attempt to bypass the 2nd amendement for example would be treason and subject to personal jail time regardless of who does it.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
24 October 2011, 16:38,
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RE: rebuilding society.
i would have thought we would build a UK society seeing this is a UK site not a US one, or am i missing something?
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 October 2011, 16:52,
Skean Dhude
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RE: rebuilding society.
It would be a UK society but are you proposing that we cannot learn from other societies. For example there is much to learn from the Swiss one should we exclude that because it not a UK one.
There are some good things and some bad in every society.We should pick and mix the good to make the one we want.
Skean Dhude
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. - Charles Darwin
24 October 2011, 17:05,
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RE: rebuilding society.
i was thinking that there is some good stuff on US sites but its a bit gun heavy, also they have the land space available to bug out too whereas we are a very small island and land is at a premium.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.
24 October 2011, 18:00,
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RE: rebuilding society.
The argument in the US is regarding the *intent* of the 2nd amendment.
When the founding fathers wrote it there was no such thing as a 50 cal fully automatic machine gun. Did they intent for the general public to be able to own these? Did they intend to accept the large loss of life that results from citizens owning automatic weapons?
The pro-gun people claim they have the rite (under the 2nd amendment) to have any weapon.
The anti-gun people claim that only people who need guns (for hunting, vermin control etc) should have them and that they should be restricted in their human-lethality (restricted magazine size etc)
We don't really know just how broad the "rite to bear arms" brush was intended to be.
Doctor Prepper: What's the worst that could happen?
24 October 2011, 18:58,
grumpy old man
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RE: rebuilding society.
the rite to bear arms should be a free choice as long as you can afford it.
it's when you use that arms against some one is the problem?
to win the war, you must be willing to die
24 October 2011, 23:48,
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RE: rebuilding society.
Post TEOTWAWKI, I would rather see society being rebuilt along tribal lines (ie: Mongols, Visigoths Celts) or city state lines (ie: Athens, Troy, Sparta) as opposed to todays National lines.
British by birth, English by the grace of God.
Every morning, I wake up and thank God I am an Englishman!
25 October 2011, 08:48,
prepper operator
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RE: rebuilding society.
No particular system works well but capitalism works much better than socialism but I guys the end result will develop as the wishes of the survivors are implimented, but which ever system we go for it must be utterly self reliant, we must get back to making all of the essentials to suport a society and reserve importing for luxuries. My own belief would have no social or welfare state involved as noth have been disasterous for every nation that has them.
25 October 2011, 11:27,
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RE: rebuilding society.
i reckon if we were starting from scratch again, everything would start from a local/tribal level, if things have gone far enough there probably wont be any money, we would be using a barter system but then only when we had an excess over and above what we need to sustain life. there would be NO welfare state(maybe no state at all), everyone would work from the young to the old, as much or as little as there were capable but they would all do something.
Some people that prefer to be alone arent anti-social they just have no time for drama, stupidity and false people.