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Foundation Licence
18 September 2016, 21:11,
Foundation Licence
Have been studying my foundation licence book and surprise surprise I think i'll be ok with it , am a little disappointed that I can't just turn up and do the test and leave , have to have a small amount of informal tuition and do some practical before the exam , will be contacting my local club for some more info , sadly the only day the club meets clashes with shooting but hey ho miss a bit of shooting and gain a valuable qualification/grounding , I really can't praise the book by Alan Betts enough as it is so well written and easy to comprehend(lots of stuff now makes sense,for instance my Diamond aerial being 35cm's(half the 70cm band wavelength) wish me luck
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
19 September 2016, 08:38,
RE: Foundation Licence
We do the foundation course at my club over a weekend, couple of hours Friday night then more Saturday and the test Sunday. Its marked there and then so you'll know if you've passed. It takes about a week to have your paper double checked and you get your chitty through the post and you'll be able to log on and pick your call sign. The practical can be something as simple and tapping out a couple of words on a morse key (you'll have a copy of morse in front of you). We've put eight year olds through the course so I'm sure you'll have no problems.

Its not really an exam, more a quiz so don't sweat it. I do recommend you learn morse, your max output of 10w will go a lot further than voice. I often work the USA on less than 5w

Welcome to the club OB, 73 and 77 hi hi
19 September 2016, 15:23,
RE: Foundation Licence
Good luck M N ....thanks for the book tip .........will be following you when the build is over.
19 September 2016, 16:20,
RE: Foundation Licence
I'm really happy we'll have a new ham in the community, hopefully more to come in the future (includes you SS).

The 'Foundation License NOW' is a great book for the novice, also take a look at we sometimes use these slides or at least some of them. If you don't have Microsoft Powerpoint you can download the free PP viewer or use Open Office which is also free.
22 September 2016, 12:56,
RE: Foundation Licence
Good luck with it Midnight. I'm sure you'll breeze it.

Let us know how you get on.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out
27 September 2016, 20:55,
RE: Foundation Licence
It's going to be 2 evenings a week(2 hours per session) for a month with the exam to end it at an all in cost of £52.50 seems reasonable , just waiting for the course dates now Smile
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
28 September 2016, 08:44,
RE: Foundation Licence
16 hours is about right, longer than our courses but pretty good. Read the book and if your new to radio DO NOT READ UP ON THE INTERMEDIATE TEST, we've had a couple of people do this and it confuses some so keep it simple.
28 September 2016, 15:43,
RE: Foundation Licence
Midnitemo, you'll be thankful that you did this!


If at first you don't secede, try, try again!
15 March 2017, 20:44,
RE: Foundation Licence
Change of plan , my local clubs couldn't accommodate me(shift worker) so I'm going of down sarf to do it over a weekend in June , a little dearer but looking forward to it Smile
Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool!!!!
15 March 2017, 23:01,
RE: Foundation Licence
Midnite: Maybe your local club can sign you off on the practical and morse appreciation, and their sign-off accepted by another club for sitting the exam?

It sounds like you have some inflexible people running the testing at that local club.
72 de



STATUS: Bugged-In at the Bug-Out

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