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Closing the Barn Door After the Bull is Loose
6 June 2017, 19:09,
RE: Closing the Barn Door After the Bull is Loose
(6 June 2017, 12:01)MaryN Wrote: It is very difficult to know how to deal with this stuff. I assume SD is referring to the terrorists when he says they are thick - then again..... some of our worthy politicians could be tarred with the same brush. We have long ago given up any idea of visiting large cities - London is given a wide body swerve - and even approach our own little county towns with caution. This is a sad state to be in, but needs must. I know that the old advice of "it's so unlikely it will happen to you" is trotted out by the Police and politicians, but the sad fact is that it could be you - as the victims in Manchester and London found it. I know that anger is rising across the country, and I just wonder what it will take for the simmering pot to boil over. Personally, I'm stocking up just in case...but isn't that what prepping is about?

Sad to say this Mary, but I noticed that these attacks of the last two weeks are not the first, and any prepper worth the name was "stocked up" (with what I can not imagine) long ago.

This is a social/political collapse of common sense and a few extra cans of beans is not the solution to the suspension of reality that seems universal among both TPTB and the general population.

This is the way the Anglo Saxons took control of your island after the Romans left, and how the Vikings took 1/3 of the island from the Anglo Saxons. Terrorize the population into submission, kill any leadership that surfaces, then walk into the vacated positions of power. Eventually the remnants of the social structure will offer terms of surrender and accept the new leadership. Then those that say "I will never!" will be executed through the legal process as traitors of the new and valid administration. You regain your "safety" on their terms, by following the rules and being invisible.

Remember that 90% of England was once owned by the 200 close followers of William the Conqueror, and about 4 of them owned half of that 90%. You do not by history require a large army for conquest, just a small brutal one. What they did to control the population makes Islamic Law appear tame.

It is the history of your people. "Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated" and it will be done on a 500 year cycle. The only reason you are not speaking Spanish is due to bad weather in 1588. Then there was that German thing a few years back, twice. To a great extent they are the reason for your present situation with their control of immigration in the EU.

The present cycle of invasion is more like the previous two, Saxon and Viking. No visible invasion fleet, just a strong foothold of enemies deeply entrenched in your population with more coming as required and using your own legal system and social conditioning against you.
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RE: Closing the Barn Door After the Bull is Loose - by Mortblanc - 6 June 2017, 19:09

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