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sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
23 September 2017, 09:28,
RE: sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’
Sex abuse.
These cases of sex abuse that had been finally acknowledged rip me inside out.
Every time I read about it ,hear about it somewhere in their I also think on why we're they ignored why nothing was actioned was it deliberate ,was it covered up the reasons why?.
We live in terrible times ,their are many terrible crimes going just ignored or too lenient punishments which will only allow its spread.
I have to wonder the real amount of sexual exploitation of young children in the uk alone by these rats.
Not just those who are UN known as yet but those who are known and action is takes those too that don't show up on gov statistics hidden from reality.

I can fully understand the difficulty and problems that followed these cases from the initial reporting to the prosecution of the rats.
Not only the children but families must have Been frightened to death from the repercussions initially and in time to come ?.

Tip of the iceberg comes to mind.
I heart bleeds for all these children suffering sexual abuse .
They have been let down greatly ,it is unforgivable.

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RE: sex abuse victims to be quiet ‘for the good of diversity’ - by Easy rider - 23 September 2017, 09:28

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