The Three Amigo's
The wife is busy making up the three costumes ....complete with sombreros ...all black with silver trim .......nice boots fact the full nine for me, one for (that nice man) "Mork" ....but the dilemma is WHO is the (third man ) then (Mork and i) are IN because we are cranky (with distinction) we have our cap and gowns ......we need to complete the trio need to apply (we are going on a Christmas tour ) all dates to follow......the successful applicant must know (my little buttercup) along with the dance routine .....Mork sings this all the time.....might have the edge, so he will be promoted and featured in upcoming promotional videos ....i have been instructed (under contract law ) to wear my dentures at all official gigs and/or interviews.......early contenders ? that would be most unfair for me to reveal right now ....but there may well have to be a crank off....i would also like to point out the flavor of equal rights....... ladies might want to apply in fact it could turn out The Three Amigorettes the dead line for all entrees is November 5 th GOOD LUCK !