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exploring new foods and growing new things
16 November 2017, 16:57,
RE: exploring new foods and growing new things
I have known several like that over the years.

They were going to "conquer" rehab and get rid of their heart disease.

Problem is that having coronary artery disease is like being a U.S. Marine, "Once a Marine always a Marine!" Once you are a heart patient you will remain a heart patient till the end of your days and the best you can hope for is that you make it to "old man" status before the ticker stops entirely.

You do not get over it or conquer it. You deal with having it and your victory is still being around 5-10 years down the road when all the "Rockys" have ended as ashes in a jar on the shelf.

Most people that start like that can not hold up to the pace. Eventually they quit.

It is the same for dieting. People lose weight, gain it back. It is not the fault of the diet, or the food, or the calorie counter they are using. It is because they go back to stuffing their face whining that "no one should have to live without deep fried Snickers bars!" and the diets are "unrealistic" to expect one to never eat junk food!

I watch the BBC news nightly and I can assure you that the folks in GB are just as fat as the "fat Americans" they degrade.

I got out of the livestock business after the vermin killed off my flock down to one bird. I gave the little hen away and was very happy to not have the trip down the steep hill to the chicken coop twice daily during that next winter. Our winters are simply too severe for tromping about to be fun. Around here if it is not snow it is rain (I have not seen the sun in 8 days) and if it is neither the mud still hangs around from November till May and that hill became a real challenge during one of my back pain episodes.

Just imagine an old man sliding down a 45% slope covered in mixed snow and mud at about 50 mph with a bucket of feed in one hand and a bucket of water in the other. All this while screaming in pain and knowing once you get to the bottom that getting back to the top will be a miracle!

That spring I tore down the chicken coop and planted a garden on that spot. It made a super garden plot with no need for fertilizer for that year!
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RE: exploring new foods and growing new things - by Mortblanc - 16 November 2017, 16:57

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